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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. RE: FTP access. I'm currently a DayZ.st user, but after enquiring about FTP access several days ago, and being told it was unlikely, I rented an HFB server. Turns out, HFB aren't that great, so Yesterday I moved to Vert Hosting instead. US$80 later and it turns out had I waited another week I'd have had what I hoped for from DayZ.st? Bugger. Not being able to add our own Bikey files is only a minor hassle as Admin's were pretty prompt in adding mine for me. In the end, the only reason we started looking elsewhere was that having Admin's having to upload scripts.txt 100 times for all the edits we need to make to have our addons work with BattlEye would have taken days most likely. Jokes on me it would seem. :P
  2. I am a DayZ.st user who began the move to HFBServers yesterday in order to gain that all important FTP access to further our server plans. However, HFB isn't turning out so great. Do any VERT users have access to the beta DayZ Control Panel and feel like taking some screens? I don't want to spend another $US35 if I'm pretty much just getting what I've already got. Also a big thing for me is, the log files seem to be located somewhere different on HFB and Gotcha doesn't display anything other than players on server and join/quit messages. :(
  3. So rather than hide his body with it still on him, you decided to keep it for yourself? You're no better than the scripters and dupers that bring so many of these in to the game in the first place.
  4. Why does everyone post IP address? Couldn't banning IP address catch out legitimate players? Either, their ISP doesn't use static IP's or they have other people on their shared connection playing also? Or do you use a combination of IP + GUID to confirm identity?
  5. Lots of things can destroy buildings like satchel charges for example. Or even smoke grenades as they create a kind of particle effect that can destroy buildings some how. While it was probably the work of a Skiddie spawning in satchel charges, you can't be sure.
  6. Yeah you'll have to play some other game, that'll have just as many hackers. It just might not be as obvious. All popular games have cheats and hacks available. From the stuff you see in DayZ to aim bots and ESP systems in CoD and Battlefield games etc. You just have to deal with it until they can control it more once the standalone releases.
  7. Takistan Life has it's own hacks too. Just might not be so obvious is all.
  8. Excellent guide! Thanks for posting it. Going to use it to try and capture some video for YouTube. Just need to work out how to do some decent editing now.
  9. I feel I should point some things out to you. From my understanding, many of the hacks are still working the same as they always have. Including on servers running the new BE logging system, and servers running Anti-Hax. The only things that are getting them banned (judging from 4chan convo's anyway) in most cases is Vehicle spawning, and God Mode scripts. That's all. Instakill scripts, item spawning, teleporting, etc is still working the same as always, and for many isn't even showing in logs. Although these types of hacks aren't a server wide issue, they are still very much against the spirit of the game, and create a significant unfair advantage to cheating players. To be able to spawn fresh on the coast, and instantly have end game gear is just madness. They then run around the coast stuffing things up for legitimate players thanks to their ESP that's telling them exactly where you are. So, for now at least, the gloating should stop... because if people aren't aware these hacks are still very much working, they risk becoming naive about the matter and shifting resources elsewhere. Right now, hacking could destroy this community as it's now so prevalent. Those in charge really need to do something about it ASAP! Oh, and when you think about what those hacks cost for a subscription, and how many dirty cheating bastards are out there, these hack coders are making a bloody fortune!