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About Baltodox

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    On the Coast
  1. I am using the 6updater through steam running the latest version of dayz and all the servers i have chosen have the newest version. like the last hour or so
  2. I went to the Blota airfield today and it was artifacting or whatever like crazy so i logged out. So then i updated to the latest version and logged into at least 10 different servers and it either reaches the waiting for character to create screen or moves on from that and says loading for like 10 mins before i just quit the game. I have been playing up to running to the air port and now i cant log in at all. I have attached my system specs if that helps. It seems a lot of people are having problems with the airfield but not as bad as me. also my arma 2 and arma 2 operation arrowhead work just fine DxDiag.txt