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About FearlessJew

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  1. FearlessJew

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Are blood suckers like creatures that run on two legs and kind of look like a dark figure that roars when it hits you?
  2. FearlessJew

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I was playing Namalsk yesterday on a night server, it was pitch black except for the moonlight shining down. I was running away from Sebjan dam towards the west, in an open field by the water with some scattered trees, and I heard one of those predator sounds. I immediately turn around, pull out my L85A2 AWS, and all I see is this figure swimming across the water. I was the only guy in the server so unless you can have an invisible name, I know it wasn't another player. It was just a dark object, and i for one barely ever hear sounds outside of forests that sounds like that.
  3. FearlessJew

    Thermal Question

    Hey, I recently found my first L85A2 AWS in Namalsk, and I was very excited to go and try it out. The night vision works fine and all, but when I press "N" to switch over to thermal, I get a red crosshair and my entire screen is black. I have watched many youtube videos about the gun, and they all have infared vision in thermal. Do you need some attachment to use thermal infared? I really want to try this one out, so all suggestions are helpful. Thank you.
  4. FearlessJew

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Im a new guy to Namalsk, but I have a question concerning the new gun, ER7. I finally found one in the underground bunker, but I wasn't sure about the weapon itself, so I decided not to drop my cco but to place the ER7 in my starting patrol pack. I did, and then when I went to switch the guns, it wasn't in my bag or on the floor. It was just gone, but I still had the ammo to it. Does it take up more slots than other guns in your bag? Patrol pack simply too small for it? Or is that some bug other people have mentioned and it just isn't fixed yet?
  5. FearlessJew

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I finally got my Namlask working and I have to say I didn't get to enjoy my first experience due to some loser hackers. Entire server got teleported from Tara Bridge to under the underground bunker. Then when I respawned and actually got to play on a non-hacker server, I was gunned down by a group of guys with some good weapons on the bridge. They all just shot straight down, I didn't stand a chance. I like the map though, its nice. It feels so gloomy and miserable when I play. I died running through rain on a snow covered mountain very fast. i died a couple times from lack of food too. I also came across a few graphical glitches mainly at tara bridge on the side by the factory, and then one by the old hospital. Sorry, but I don't know what it exactly was, and I know there is tons of military loot all over this map and tons of guns so I have heard, but i searched 3 helicopter crashes and 2 military barracks to find one gun with no ammo and then just a bunch of random ammo. ;/ Overall though, thank you for making this map. Im sure i will have the chance to enjoy it more as I play over the next week.
  6. FearlessJew

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Are you able to help me out Sobieski12 Because I would really like the guys posting back to me for some help. Thanks!
  7. FearlessJew

    DayZ: Namalsk

    "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip, dayz_vehicles." I have 2 ns_ dayz files in the addons. Version 1.62.95248 Also, after I downloaded Namalsk, my ingame pictures, the moving ones of the start up main menu in the background changed to Namalsk pictures.
  8. FearlessJew

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Hi, I am trying to play Namalsk, but I keep getting error messages each time I try. I downloaded the @NC Pathfinder and the namalsk.pbo files into my addons. I go into the Arma OA, filter "Namlask", join a server, but then get an error message (the same one I get when I try to launch Dayz from there). So I tried to launch Namalsk off of SixLauncher, but that gave me an error too. So what I am asking is, Is there a separate Namalsk launcher? Is there another file I missed? I have been all over http://www.nightstalkers.cz and I'm not getting anywhere. Please help me out, the map looks incredible and i want to give it a go.
  9. Tents and vehicles work perfectly fine now. They were fixed in the last update (v1.7.2.6). Ive had 3 tents now for the past week or two, and all of my crap is saved each time. The server has been restarted several times as a test, and the tents are located within bushes and sloped forests. This is in a public server btw. version (Hotfix) HOTFIX : 6 SEPTEMBER 2012 Affected addons: dayz 1.something.somethingelse dayz_code dayz_server (server admins only) Changelog: [NEW] Bear trap has chance to spawn on infected hunters [FIXED] Graphical glitches with dead bodies (Bodies should now not display graphical glitches) [NEW] Three UI options available: Default (indicators only), Debug (indicators + debug window), None (only base ArmA2 UI) [FIXED] Converting between magazine types resets ammo count (Now only contains previous number of rounds) [FIXED] Vehicle and tents not saving (Now they save correctly)
  10. Hey I have a quick question. I hadn't played Dayz for a few weeks and then I decided to get back on, and everything is normal except that I no longer have the Player Information box on the right side of my screen. I have tried many different servers, I went through a few updates, and messed with my options but it doesn't show anymore. Is this a personal problem or was it taken out or something?
  11. FearlessJew

    Spawning/loading screen VERY LONG?

    Yes just recently, meaning today, I have been waiting for a good 10 minutes on every server I have tried to join... <_<
  12. FearlessJew

    Survivor Colony!

    uh...I was just kicked from the colony server for asking why you were restarting it. You then followed with insulting remarks such as female lady parts. Did you get angry when i asked you to calm down or something Hunter? I'd like to play on the server, but if asking a question gets me kicked then how could i personally ever survive in your "colony of safety" if some admins are such hotheads?
  13. FearlessJew

    Survivor Colony!

    How many people are on and in the colony right now?
  14. FearlessJew

    Survivor Colony!

  15. FearlessJew

    Survivor Colony!

    Swift-Gaming This bulletin board is currently closed. The Administrator has specified the reason as to why below. Fuck this forum software, seriously um...?