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About bozack

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  1. bozack

    Animals on Lingor?

    I ran up to the closest airfield and sure enough 1 cow, a sheep , and a pig all wondering on the runway. Of course.. i got attacked by zombies , passed out and died while trying to loot the meat.. But at least now i know where to look.
  2. So i've been jogging around the map for 2 hours and no sign of any pigs, sheeps, cows, ect. I've seen animals on this map before, but damn... I can't find anything now... Are there hot spots for animal spawns on this map? or any key areas to search?
  3. bozack

    BattlEye Update?

    WHelllllP! nevermind that question. I just got randomly kicked for "Script Restriction #blah" . And i've never even attempted a hack on this game or any other game for that matter. BE is again kicking legit players while the hackers are most likely still avoiding the software all together. boo!
  4. I'm with you OP. I've yet to play on a server with the side chat enabled. but i would love to check it out. How does one access the private hive servers?
  5. So when i logged in tonight i noticed that the BattlEye client updated automatically. I'm noticing a lot of people being kicked from the server that i am on for "Script Restriction #blah" have you guys noticed any decrease in hackers? or is this just BattlEye mis-kicking and mis-banning people again like before?
  6. bozack

    Hive down??

    I had the yellow desync chain on my server for about 30 minutes, zombies moving in place, ect. Now i'm just stuck on "Waiting for Host" on every server that i attempt to connect to.
  7. bozack

    Random Dancing?

    wow , so i aborted just in time. Now i'm afraid to go back into the server. But that's where my stash is :(
  8. forgive me if this has already been a topic, I couldn't find anything... But i was just walking along minding my own business when all of a sudden my character started dancing on his own. I couldn't control anything he was doing. I figured this might be the work of a hacker so i quickly aborted from the server to avoid a mass teleporting/murder. Is this just a normal glitch? did i press a key to trigger it? or was it indeed a hacker having "fun" on the server?
  9. Today when i logged into the game I noticed that as I looked down into a town infested with zombies , I could see where each of them were at by a glowing orb illuminated around their torso. the closer they are the bigger the orb... I never noticed this before , and i've been playing for a few weeks now. Is this something new? Is it feature intended to be off but leaking through the Arma Engine? or is this a server specific setting? Whatever it is, I love it. I can actually plan my invasion of a town with ease now.