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Everything posted by ekd

  1. ekd

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    This is how I understood the branch/database thing, correct me if I'm wrong. There is the experimental branch, and the stable branch. Firstly, the updates were implemented in the experimental branch, in order to test whether the changes were ready to go "public". In this experimental branch, while testing the changes, you enter as a new character, which does not affect your character in the stable brach (the normal game most people here play) as that one is on another database. But now, with the changes seeming to be overall alright, they were applied to the stable branch, which then lead to these character losses/resets/setbacks. So there are two databases, but they do not save your character twice, but rather save two individual characters, the one you play in the experimental-, and the one in the stable branch.
  2. ekd

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    Does my saved character get affected in experimental branch?No. It runs on a different database, so any changes will not affect your character on stable branch. Does not say "would not be affected by an update".
  3. ekd

    I am a terrible human being...

    Most of the things you did are rather normal, but these two made me sad.
  4. ekd

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    How do I recover my menu and my character creation setting, after making it blank with "world=empty"? Simply deleting the command does not work.
  5. ekd

    DayZ An Average Day

    Yep, would have done the same.
  6. ekd

    too much running

    I agree. Put in scooters.
  7. Got killed by a normal player today for a change. Felt pretty good actually. Had some decent gear on me, but unfortunately the guy had no chance to enjoy it, as not even 10min later the entire population of the server, almost 50 people, was squeezed into a bubble and rained from the sky.. So i'm probably going to take a step back from the beta, and also wait a few weeks before buying the standalone.
  8. Great idea, well executed. Didn't expect to see so many people there to trade with. Also kind of a weird feeling to be in guarded place in dayz.. Shame that cheater killed everyone. Looking forward to the standalone so this can really be a safe haven.
  9. Do you guys happen to have nvgs you would trade for a m107 + ammo? And maybe a ghillie suit for antibiotics?