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Everything posted by Rarabka

  1. Oh Dean you so silly.
  2. Rarabka

    NEW STEAM USERS! Please read.

    You can get it through steam now. http://store.steampo...com/app/224580/ By vanilla I mean base dayz. This was a topic for steam users so I thought you were trying to prevent players from using the in steam download and I was just saying it works pretty well. Especially for people who don't like having to many programs(such as me). Edit: When I said manual I meant back in the day before dayz commander and six when you had to do everything by hand and put launch options on arma2 to get dayz to work.
  3. Rarabka

    NEW STEAM USERS! Please read.

    I've been using the dayz on steam for a while now and I haven't had a problem playing it that way. Besides manually having to manually get the arma 2 beta patch from time to time. It sure beats the manual install that many of us long time players had to deal with. I think it's a fine way to play vanilla dayz. ps: I have used playwithsix back when I wanted to try some of the mods.
  4. They said we'll be able to host servers from day one, and I always had my server as first person only and am planning to do it with SA as soon as I can.
  5. Everyone here is very aware of RhinoCrunch and his recent/current behavior. No need to revive a 5 month old thread.
  6. Rarabka

    Radeon 7850 OC Crazy Laggy

    In arma your CPU is much more important than in most games. With a dual core you'll only get so much regardless of how good your GPU is.
  7. Rarabka

    there should be dog

    I remember a big issue was having them get into vehicles.
  8. Rarabka

    Standalone planned for June

    You can find it here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/138121-bikeman-june-2013-livestreaminterview-with-rocket/
  9. Rarabka

    Just chillin'

    Hope you'll be enjoying some good ol' beans and a nice cold mountain dew.
  10. Rarabka

    Trackir In SA?

    I just recently got myself a Trackir5 and am loving it in Arma 2&3, still getting used to it but It's been a really nice experience. Can anyone here confirm if Dayz: Standalone will have Trackir support from the get go. I'd assume it will considering Arma 3 had it day 1 of alpha. If anyone can answer this for me it would be much appreciated. Thanks
  11. Rarabka

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I'm interested in getting a new gpu was thinking a 780. Is it a better Idea to get a superclocked version or a regular and overclock it if I need to? My power supply should be able to handle it either way I have a Corsair AX850. Overclocking is not an Issue heat wise. I have plenty of good fans and a Corsair H60 with the high performance fan. Edit: I went for the Regular Evga one.
  12. Rarabka

    My SA Bandit Plan

    You'll be wasting a lot of ammunition on birds and other animals.
  13. Rarabka

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I'm not really sure where you are getting your information. I'm assumuing most of it is just speculation. Rocket has said several times that if there is a console port of dayz it wont be for a long way down the road. In regards to what you said about the skeletons being only half done. He actually said: Half way between would mean that the skeleton is already complete and that they are just finishing putting it into use.
  14. Rarabka

    Clothing That Has Purpose/Utility

    He already kinda confirmed this will be in standalone btw.
  15. Rarabka

    Where is our community headed?

    I really do hope this gets turned into the official forums, or that a new one is made on the standalone site and the moderators migrate over(maybe a merging of some sort) The truly active part of the community here is great aside from a small amount of people.
  16. Rarabka

    Buy new Laptop: Day Z + Video Convert

    Do you prefer a certain screen size or resolution?
  17. Aww Senchi, death by bug. Bye Bye Team Brohemia
  18. Matt died less than 10 minutes in. :(
  19. Rarabka

    Why remove the 50?

    At Pax East Rocket mentioned that the end game weaponry in SA would be things like the m4/m16 and aks.
  20. TL;DR The Walking Dead: As of yet no clear definition of origins of infection. Medically would seem to be bacterial, still could be viral. Dayz Mod: Infected but Not Dead. (I have never seen evidence of it being referred to as bird flu). Dayz Standalone: Virus designed by a virologist just for the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a person who follows both dayz and the walking dead with a passion. I think you may be a little off with that. In the Walking Dead the infection is never really identified as being anything specific. From a medical perspective it would seem that It would most likely have to be bacterial. Inferred by the way bites take a while to infect even though the travel of blood to the heart is almost instantaneous. Amputation can save the victim. If it were viral their would be no way to stop it through amputation. Think of the zombie bite as being similar to a Komodo Dragon, it is bacterial based. Deadly, but not an absolute cause of death if dealt with properly. Also there would have to be two different variants of the infection in order for the "You weren't bitten but you are going turn if you die." thing. One variant being airborne the other being carried by the Undead. (but it is really just sci-f) In dayz(the mod) there is also no real definition of the "infection" besides the fact that they are infected not dead. Unless there is some information I am missing(please send it to me if I am). In regards to the "zombies" in standalone, rocket has mentioned several times that the virus is being designed by his brother who is a virologist so we are certain that it is an actual virus. The standalone virus has been mostly rationalized besides the fact that the zombies don't try to kill each other. Sorry for nitpicking. :P
  21. Rarabka

    UI Problems

    I haven't played dayz in a while but that all looks fine to me.
  22. Rarabka

    You're fav location?

    #1 Pustoshka-Anyone who's ever seen me in game knows I ran a community there. #2 Skalka- It's a fantastic vantage point for sniping and base defense.
  23. Rarabka

    Trackir In SA?

    Yes I did get the infrared emitter. I have heard many stories of how easily they break on the Arma forums. I have been treating it as gently I would a baby bird. The only disappointment I have with it is that it weighs the left side of my g35s down too much and it keeps extending the size.
  24. Rarabka

    Favorite DayZ Map?

    Chernarus was and always will be my favorite. I just think the other maps don't capture the feel of dayz quite as well.