@ZedsDeadBaby Not really. I merely would like to lock the server so defers ‘troll’ player, I wouldn't have any kind of application system or 'choose' who to play with. It's merely a small way to stop those who want to cause nothing but harm/abuse at other player’s expenses. It would work like this: Go to the website which will be placed in the server name, the website has the all the information on the site, password, server rules, also a bit of lore for each faction (3 factions). Player reads which faction suites him, gets the password off the website and joins with that faction wanting to assist them. Now from my experience running ARMA realism servers & also life servers having this kind of method puts those who want to 'troll' off due to the small process of getting the password. Of course you're entitled to your view which I completely understand but please don’t try and force it upon me.