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Everything posted by Thadeum

  1. Thadeum

    character bound per server?

    I would be against, if there were different maps on servers containing different items that can be found on a map but not on another. It could be cool to put your geared survivor on a new map. However, considering there is officially only one map, that would not be an issue and I think I could second this.
  2. Global ban won't follow anyone. In fact it is allowed for a cheater to be given a second chance, that's why I am already back in game with a new OA freshly and honestly paid CD Key. Still I am out of cheating. I wanted to give it a try, that's all, I am not a cheating addict.
  3. I am not sure what you are talking about. Even if they were there, I did not interact with them. As stated, I just silently geared myself up, and spawned some choppers for fun.
  4. Made my 400 hours on L4D and L4D2, cannot master the game more and moved on other games a while ago. Still, there are many things DayZ can learn from L4D, like how to make players cooperate better.
  5. 10 people is not unpopulated. What I called unpopulated was an average of 2 or 3 players on night servers; if not zero most of the time.
  6. Thadeum

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Considering pros and cons, and the fact you can mute players, this was a terrible decision.
  7. Yeah, except that I never used the scripts on populated servers because I really wanted to keep low-profile. In fact I used severly outdated and unpopulated servers (just a few remaining) if you want to know it all.
  8. Thadeum

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Actually I am playing on a Side channel enabled server. There are just so more to do once you have social interaction with players made easy. I seriously wonder why side-channel feature has been generally removed from the game. It helped keep the incentive, the role-play, the fun along with better surveillance of what's happening on the server. Removing tools so players can interact better is one of the worst decision ever made for this game. Hopefully some servers still have side channel enabled.
  9. Thadeum

    I was killed by a rock

    Beware that sheep!!! It is looking at you...
  10. Thadeum

    The Sad Realization.

    I am already back in the game... bro. Everyone deserves a second chance he? xD
  11. Yup, could have done that on whatever private server, but I admit I just did not care that much, considering I was not trying to interact with other players with my scripts, I felt it was harmless.
  12. He was obviously sarcastic about my post. Also, I did not cheat because the game was "hard" (I stated the opposite, in fact), but because I wanted to have a new end-game experience. And yes, I reached the "end-game" in just 4 days, while other people scream they learned it in 2 months, I did quite all can be done on Chernarus in 4 days. I started playing with Wolfenstein 3D, I pwnd Xaero with the railgun on Q3 in Nightmare, did my 20/0 against Anarki in Nightmare too, and I am hardcore enough to need more difficulty from a "survival" game. 2 months to learn? Depends of how fast you learn.
  13. Thadeum

    The Sad Realization.

    Your story is exactly why I never tried to abuse my scripts when I was cheating. I wanted to exploit the game but not to break it by demotivating players around. And even as a cheater I also got killed by other cheaters teleporting or just instakilling me. I always found that very lame.
  14. Even if you are not a scripter you can easily repair any vehicle without 4 wheels provided you have just a car wheel, and a buddy. Using duplication you can make out 4 car wheels in just 3 minutes of in-game glitch exploit which are not detected whatsoever.
  15. Thadeum

    Is this allowed?

    Just by reading the first post from the "admin" I knew he (the admin) was a liar. Sometimes you can smell bad lies as they stink like my dirty socks...
  16. Just to point out a few things: - I never said I suxed at this game, compared to some other games I played with, this one is rather easy (bugs apart) once you figure out a few things (loot spots, evading zombies). Indeed, in the end I could avoid quite all the bugs, but you always get owned by a bug in this alpha mod in the end, no matter what. - I don't look for excuses, I am not blaming myself, I am not blaming the game, I completely accept my fate which was expected since the very first time I used the first script. I was just stating how it felt : alpha. And I went on the behavior of any alpha player could go: testing scripts and glitches instead of taking it too seriously as if it was a finished product. Some people just go PvP endgame, I went on the cheating side. Another experience, another pleasure (felt a bit like GMod), I still never looked to ruin others people fun in the way they wanted to play their game. - I am not that much a script kiddie, because I reviewed the source code of the cheats I used to understand how the DLL injection in the game could bypass the client-side (lol) BattleEye script execution prevention mechanism, and I also rewrote part of the scripts I used. Also, I agree that hackers are not cheaters, being a former hacker myself. Hate seeing the word "hacker" used for "cheaters". Here, I cheated. My single hope with that post is that you could figure out that not everything is black & white: there are shades of grey. Reading some posts, obviously people find it easier to think black & white only, maybe it makes their life more comfortable :-)
  17. Thadeum

    Fun for cheaters ?

    I know some cheaters, I asked them, who just got bored of being killed by lame Player Killers without any roleplay, or just tired of tents not saving their gears, their backpack with hardly won stuff disappear, dying cuz of proning in bushes/doors, falling 2 meters high or whatever. What they mostly do is get full gear again, have some fun flying a chopper, but never ruin the experience of others by teleporting/killing or whatever sick shit you can do with cheats. Also, I was killed by cheaters that ran scripts to kill entire servers, or just by bombing buildings. These guys are probably trying to make people rage, or have fun destroying a server. Hopefully, the fact there is no side channel on servers help hackers to not get "raging feedback" from their victims, thus I think it does not encourage them that much.
  18. Thadeum

    Did someone hack me?

    There is indeed a script to give all players ammunations and guns. You were "victim" of it. At least the cheater does not ruin your experience by lamely killing all players on the server.
  19. Thadeum


    If TLDR, just read the CAPS LOCKED parts to get the overview : it's basically "damned fucked bullshit hackerz assholes" again.
  20. Thadeum

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    How can you prove it was hacked? It seems that no matter the way people get their legit gear, other guys like you tend to say "hax hax hax" so they can ALT+F4 without any remorse. Main problem is lack of roleplay and coop in a game that should highly require some. On the topic of coop, let's admit Left 4 Dead did it good, while RP is our job.
  21. Thadeum

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    It's so easy to fix the ALT+F4 thing: If you got shot, and leave/disconnect within the next 10 seconds, then you are considered dead. It's in fact so easy to fix that it will never be fixed.
  22. That does not make any sense.
  23. The best way for everyone to fight against cheating threat is to let everyone own their cheats at home and understand how it works. The same way NRA defends your right to have a gun against someone also having a gun. Same logic. Being an obscurantist will not help anyone and will just help cheaters to remain unnoticed. What was that site again?