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Everything posted by Thadeum

  1. Thadeum

    This Forum is Slowing Down D:

    @op: problem with dupped items rely partly on the Arma II engine, and we will have to wait the standalone for most of the glitches to be fixed however it is not illegal to use a scripted .50 AWS, still you might want to play fair, as you will lose it more sooner than later.
  2. I saw a lot of people asking for fresh news and announcements from the single dev guy managing the mod. Did you took a look at Rocket's twitter? Many fresh posts @ his twitter. I think it deserves a thread to point it out to most of the community. https://twitter.com/rocket2guns Recently: - he enjoyed a video - he reviewed and enjoyed a lot of forums suggestions - he admitted that hacking must be quickly dealt with - he is still working on dogs
  3. You have to press ESC, it opens the game menu, then you press ALT+F4 on some other servers you can also use RSHIFT+P to try opening a console and get immediately kicked out.
  4. Thadeum

    Scripted/Duped items.

    I am fighting other guys with AS50 TWS out there. Dropping it would make no sense, and would reduce my chances of surviving in this game. Exactly what I am not supposed to do. Am I?
  5. Thadeum

    Stand Alone Better Be POLISHED

    When did you pay for DayZ? You probably paid for Arma II / OA but not DayZ, that's why you totally fail here.
  6. Thadeum

    Abandoned or just Incommunicado?

    Go on the twitter of Dean Rocket Hall: https://twitter.com/rocket2guns it will show you what he is actually doing for the game.
  7. Thadeum

    Scripted/Duped items.

    Honestly, I did not find it much more OP than the AS50 / L85A2 combo. One shot kill is one shot kill, and other sniper rifles achieve this. Plus, the gun is so huge, it also removes quite a lot of the stealth the ghillie suit offers. It also attracts zombies a lot. Pros and cons...
  8. Thadeum

    Team-Mate Wanted!

    FInd a side-channel enabled server and find teammates here. It's the best way to find teammates, it's how I found mines. What a shame side channel has been officially removed, this is one of the worst decision ever made for the overall gameplay (still, I would support the ability for any admin to turn it off at their own discretion).
  9. Thadeum

    Scripted/Duped items.

    Your post title has absolutely no relation with the content of it. You present the obvious-everyone-know-it spawn rates of rare weapons, and tells nothing about dupped/scripted gears. I fail to see what kind of useful information you bring up here, all I see is only a bunch of copy pasted links.
  10. Thadeum

    Scripted/Duped items.

    People say it's common because these weapons are duplicated as hell. My team of 5 has 5 AS50 TWS and in case one of us die, he gets it immediately once again, along with 100% full gear.
  11. Thadeum

    Finding Your Perfect Gun

    I found an AS50-TWS along with M9 SD, and now they are all duplicated for my team (one of us always act as mule if we ever die). It incorporates a nice thermal vision along with around 25k up to 100k+ damage per shot. If you want that weapon, I can give it to you, for free.
  12. Thadeum

    Flashlight problems

    There seem to be a recent issue, some servers I was playing on at night were extremely laggy (I suppose it's the client-side game who was laggy) and the flashlight worked terribly, zombies were not chasing or not spawning, and overall the game was not playable.
  13. The horn in DayZ was originally intended to help player meet by making a huge noise, but also to attract hordes of zombies. It has been dropped months ago. Still, it is said to have 0,001% chance of spawning in game and to be broken. You were extremly lucky to have such a useless item.
  14. Thadeum


    FIX THE ARTEFACT GRAPHICAL GLITCH !!! F O R F U C K' S S A K E ! D O I T ! (ragey enough, eh?)
  15. Thadeum

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    Dude, considering you can spawn your own stuff, you should not use god mode to kill anyone. Plus, you say it's easy to not get caught, but the official cheat maker to bypass BE said that a very recent improvement has been made SERVER-SIDE. And if that guys tells it, I can swear your days are counted. I know. 'been there, 'done that... 'am on a new CD KEY now, if you see what I mean.
  16. Thadeum

    Duping in stand alone

    Asking if there will be duping in DayZ Standalone is like asking if there will be duping in Half Life 3... it's nonsense.
  17. I just found an AS50 TWS, M9SD, with full gear including NV/RF... If I hear any gun shot toward me, I disconnect immediately. No way I am gonna lose my stuff man. Get a bullet in my head, or quit PvP, that will sure be better for everyone.
  18. Just a warning for anyone looking to play on US 2313: the admin named Roy kicked all the players while we were playing on it (5 people), without any reason nor any warning. it took us 2 hours to repair vehicles, then we are kicked while riding them, meaning we are now glitch stuck and can only die (we are fully geared). Please report this admin to DayZ staff if possible. Thx.
  19. Basically, you mean you will NEVER throw it away, right?
  20. On SE 6, all the players were teleported in the middle of a field. I immediately understood what was happening, and ran away, while most players stood there, looking at each other, in a huge packed group. Then I heard shots behind me, and went prone. Fortunately, I had a ghillie suit. I then see, all the players killing each other, with two or three of them being 20 meters away from the melee and shooting in the human stack as well. I don't move... I don't move... Then only three guys remain standing. They stopped shooting. One of them sees me! I hear a bullet bouncing nearby my foot, and then disconnect immediately. I run on another server, ghost myself in the woods nearby, under a tree, then reconnect on the server. The three guys were there, looting all the corpses. They did not notice I was observing them for 10 minutes. Unfortunately this server has the lame "nickname over crosshair" feature. I was spotted once again, and disconnected. If only I had more than a crossbow with zero ammo... Could have been fun ;-)
  21. I am still wondering how you "fight" godmode invisible cheaters... If I were an admin I would probably NOT invite a bunch of random players claiming they can fight cheaters, and would probably more rely on BattleEye for this.
  22. Hello guys, I bought the game one week ago, and today I have been global banned for cheating on DayZ (I bought Arma II just for this) I remember my first two days, when I was in fear of zombies, and made my way through cities always proned and crouching/walking. Then I understood that running and losing zombies through houses was much more easy and fast, but less fun. Still, the most efficient solution to both get the loots and run away from snipers. Then I got killed by doors, bushes, falling 2 meters high, losing my backpack stuff when trying to move items, being completely glitched-stuck on invisible vehicles when disconnecting on real ones, or just losing stuff in tents or on the ground... Then I got killed by hackers and lame players just shooting players on sight, even when I said on mic that I was friendly (and really was). Then zombies started to attack me by going through walls, barricades, teleporting left and right, and so on. I also had graphical artifacts bugs which really trashed my game experience (and yes I did the no multithread config in nVidia settings). By reading the official forums here I understood that the game devs were not interacting with the community whatsoever, and found it really shameful considering some indie devs regularly post and replies on their own forums. After 4 days of DayZ, the thrilling gameplay experience I had vanished into thin air, considering the amount of issues that just break it, players behaviors included. I was bored of dying for no reason whatsoever, bored of having poor feedback about next coming patches, and regretted that the game role play experience was so poor. If only zombies were able to catch you and you needed help from another survivor (Left4Dead gameplay mechanic is really good on that topic), this would have drastically change the gameplay and players behavior. Cheating felt to me like the normal thing to get the things in balance with the alpha mod (I know it's alpha, so why would anyone care of cheats? I don't know, this is not clear... You yell "it's alpha, it's a test" and scream like babies when someone cheats to push the game to its corners) As some people stated, the game just ended in another PvP Online Shooter. End game, nothing to do. I would have taken great pleasure to repair vehicles, but I quite never found vehicles, except on some unpopulated servers, making the use of vehicles really poor (they ended hidden in woods, used as storage facilities when switching servers). This is when I started cheating. It was really fun to transform some servers into a sandbox where I could spawn choppers and whatever guns I liked. Note that I never used the scripts to kill players, thunderdome or other bullshits like this (never used godlike except once to try to save me from bleeding after an heli crash) and used unpopulated servers. Ruining others experience is not my kind. I silently geared myself up, and moved on other servers without killing anyone. I also geared all my friends and we just had fun shooting each other without looking to break the gameplay of others. After that, my goal was to try some roleplay, like taking players in hostages, but no matter what it always ended in dumb gunfights. The side channel removed made this even worst, as interactions with other players was made very poor. On my way to cheat, I made a few manipulation mistakes that probably got me banned (or I executed the wrong scripts, I don't know, but it is obviously due to records in the hive database and not on immediate software detection). The 25$ Arma II Combined OPS costed me was worth it. I had a great experience for the first three days of DayZ, and I already bought games that price that never delivered me the experience I had. Even banned, I did not see my money as wasted money. I will wait for the standalone to get out, if it's better than the doubtful-promised "The War Z" I will get it. I know what you guys will write : "bye bye, won't regret you", or "you got what you deserve punk", but I felt that sharing my cheater experience with you could be cool for people who are interested in knowing more about the "why do they do that". Still I regret nothing and will move on to other games, waiting the standalone to find you there :-)
  23. Thadeum

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    The fact the game is not an MMORPG does not mean it's not a MMO (it is), and players should not be prevented from interacting with each other, especially when it leads to a richer game experience. You, server admin, wants isolation on your server? Fine, go on, but don't trash the socialization that gives MORE things to do end game while so many people complain about the lack of content. Plus, the stand alone will include 'stores', 'skills', 'crafting' and much more stuff to make players interact with each other. Want it or not it's gonna be more like a MMORPG than a MMO FPS. You failed hard.
  24. Thadeum

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    I was talking about the text side-channel. I don't think a mic side-channel is a good idea, indeed.