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Everything posted by Thadeum

  1. This topic is not about wiping the hive, but how to deal with saved tents on servers, which are not on the hive. Not the same topic, needs fresh arguments. It is not only dedicated to the OP of the other thread, but to all players that might have ideas on the topic, but agreed to wipe the hive. Thanks for asking, anyway.
  2. Thadeum

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Wiping the hive doesn't wipe the tents who are saved on the server and not on the hive. So, basically, the top-notch mil grade weapons will still be available in the tents, and all the players not having tents will just lose all their gear. How do you deal with that bro? How do you?
  3. Thadeum

    Buy now or wait for stand alone?

    Wait for TheWarZ that will be better than the standalone which basically will be the same as the mod right now, while TheWarZ will come out BEFORE standalone and is inspired of DayZ minus all the bugs/glitches/cheats.
  4. Thadeum

    Met a hacker... and I pity him

    I think that after shoting everyone on sight, it's quite faire anyone tries to behave exactly how the game should be played: survivors helping other survivors. Once my duppers team (we all have the same loadout with ghillie, AS50 TWS, M9SD, and all the complete gear) wason the rooftop of a building in Cherno. Then a lone survivor tries to come on the rooftop, he had no gear. We did not try to kill him, instead he came and lied with us, waiting god knows what. I spoke to him a bit, it seems he was enjoying watching us sniping the noobs @ cherno, or maybe he just waited that we all died. We gave him a M9SD, and he did not use it to kill us (instead he was looking through the floor). We still were worried of this guy being in our back, and I told him that he should move on, to do his "survivor stuff". But before he moved on, I gave him a ghillie suit in his backpack. Yeah, duping/cheating is lame, but that is not what matters. What matters is what you do, not what you got. That guy was a hacker, and he did not yell it to you. He kept it silent. He tried to help you. Like it or not, it was worth your time enough to spend time with him AND to make a post on these forums.
  5. Why would you delete all the posts speaking about comparing DayZ and TheWarZ? Give your name, modo, so I can report you! I NEVER, EVER, SAW THAT! Years of going onto forums, Steam forums, dedicated forums and I NEVER saw censoring shit like this. WHAT IS WRONG? I read the "Please read before posting" and all the other rules, and I don't infringe rules. So EXPLAIN! Because, obviously, there will be a lot more TheWarZ/DayZ topics coming in the next days. Be FUCKIN' CLEAR NOW ON YOUR RULES GUYS!
  6. Thadeum

    DayZ versus TheWarZ

    Wait, I am already in GENERAL... Failed bro... Failed.
  7. Thadeum

    DayZ versus TheWarZ

    I fail to see how asking to compare DayZ with WarZ gameplay goes off-topic of DayZ. Something must be wrong in your logic. However, I don't mind if a thread is closed with a valable reason. Problem is that censorship has gone WRONG. Rules are rules, outside this, everything is permitted.
  8. Thadeum

    DayZ versus TheWarZ

    Next thread deletion and I run onto Twitter to ask Rocket to take a look at the modo's activity! Nonsense bs stays bs! MAKE IT CLEAR.
  9. Thadeum

    Not all hackers are bad

    Nonsense. I cheated. I got banned. I am back.
  10. Secret was: "it was a joke dude!!!!" BAM
  11. Thadeum

    Why is a high ping so BAD?

    One of the main reason is simple. The zombies you spawn in towns have their pathfinding done by the client who made the zombies spawn, not by the servers. Then the client sends the zombies coordinates to the server, which broadcast them to the players around. Zombies can seem to lag to other players, even if the managing client have a good ping. If the managing client has a terrible ping, zombies would simply seem to teleport and would not be killable at all. Then to keep things "fluid" it's better to keep pings lowest as possible.
  12. I am an ALT+F4er not only would I lose my ghillie, but also my scripted AS50 TWS along with a complete gear (when I say complete, it's complete). Then when I shoot on sight snipe fresh spawns players and they disconnect, I consider that it's a win, even if I don't score a kill. At this point of the game, getting a real kill or not does not really matter. Only the mess you create is fun.
  13. Thadeum

    PLease please please please please

    You can install this quick patch to have guns firing out of your vehicles: patch is here
  14. Thadeum

    Morning person or night owl?

    Push gamma to maximum, push HDR to maximum, then night is no more pitch black.
  15. Thadeum

    Best camp ever.

    Considering how lame vehicles are implemented right now, I could not bother less if all the vehicles on all the servers were hoareded off the map.
  16. Artefact glitch in 3D --> Painkillers.
  17. Rather than playing the room cleaner, just server hop. In such cases, you deserve it.
  18. Thadeum

    Morning person or night owl?

    Night, because some guys think my AS50 doesn't have a thermal scope, while some others run without night visions thinking they are ghosts in the dark... Usually they both end up pretty dead.
  19. Thadeum

    Now, I would like to know why

    I hope you never go on to a job where you have to make decisions for other people. Such a list would be nonsense, as it would only increase when content is added into the mod. Plus, most people would never read such Terms of Use, or if they do they will forget, or if they don't forget, they can make mistakes, or can simply be put a gun in their backpack. Do you even THINK about HOW things COULD work before proposing stupid ideas? Do you really think a developer would say : "yeah, there are flaws in my game, but instead of fixing them, I will ban innocent players not paying attention?" Go back to CoD, this game is too complex for you to think about.
  20. I am in an appartment at 10th floor. I am in a 6 millions+ people city. I have no guns, only a knife, a hammer, and a flashlight (hopefully it works on dynamo). I have a bike, not a car, so I would probably be exposed a lot if trying to drive. In fact there is a lot of chances I would be fucked as hell and would end up in barricading myself in hope... in hope...
  21. Thadeum

    Dear survivor.

    Murderer psychology is always like this. Compulsive murder, screaming like maniac, cutting bodies into pieces with a hatchet (even eating some), then feeling sorry... until the compulsion starts whispering its words in the murderer's mind again... May my road never cross yours, OP. Or you will just eat my .50 ammo, you compulsive psychopath.
  22. I will buy TheWarZ and never be bored by these stupid threads again.
  23. Thadeum

    Now, I would like to know why

    Because it's certain that people are not pissed off by the tremendous amount of sniper rilfes around here... right?
  24. Thadeum

    Now, I would like to know why

    They won't, because it's very usual in gaming industry to start things over again when moving from alpha to beta. A simple well written global message would make anyone understand the "why" and noone would be pissed off. And yet, this game has many warnings regarding the fact it's alpha.