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Everything posted by sinjax

  1. sinjax

    Bandits looking for 2 more

    i would tell you i have an m107, m4sd and an m9sd with my toolbelt nearly filled, but that was about a half hour ago when i got sniped trying to help a friend in elektro, so I'm now a pretty fresh spawn :( i would love to tag along with you guys im really experienced and have been a bandit since i began playing this game. Shoot on sight don't trust anyone. I'm also 17 but I don't think that's too big of a deal, just a number. Let me know if you're interested.
  2. Age: 16. 17 in october. Country of Residence: US Favorite Weapon/Role: I like the AKM a lot, and My favorite sniper would be the M107 Skype: daowner12345 Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: I would be willing to snipe and also take part in raids, I would love too.
  3. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    So i recently bought arma and installed dayz. I play fine and then after about a minute or 2 it starts to lag horribly, the textures start freaking out and the quality goes below even the lowest settings. It's not the bug like with the tents. My PC specs are: intel i7 3.4 ghz processor, amd radeon 6450 graphics card, 8gb of ram. anyone help?
  4. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    thanks man for all the help
  5. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    its completely fine. I'm sure my cpu is doing fine, its a really good cpu from what ive heard, im probably going to buy a nvidia graphics card sometime in the near future, its not really artifacting like you see from the balota tents or anything though, everything is fine i just lose textures and everything goes to different weird colors and what not and the ground is black sometimes.
  6. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    no i didnt look at it at all, and yes i was alt tabbing and also trying to flush the screen while in game, probably why it went down to 0%
  7. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    this is the log from when i started it just before starting arma and then after i ran it and it became unplayable GPU-Z Sensor Log.txt
  8. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    alright ill do this now, shouldnt take long i cant really play too long anyways lol
  9. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    okay ill try this, what is this supposed to do? let me monitor gpu temps if its overheating?
  10. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    bump really need help
  11. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    BUMP please help
  12. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    i have read that my graphics card isnt the best, actually pretty horrible, could that be the issue? its an amd radeon 6450 graphics card
  13. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    okay i updated, im on a server with my beta patch, and its still happening, any ideas?
  14. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    yes so my beta patch seems to be out of date, but it does not work when i try and update it, it stays at 95248 and won't update, any help?
  15. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    ill check my beta patch now, thanks!
  16. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    im playing on the lowest settings possible and the textures just disappear and everything changes colors and the game crashes and stuff, its so annoying i just bought this game and its unplayable. Oh I also had to use -winxp to make the game run. Also I found that when the issues happen and i alt+tab and then open the game back up it seems to fix it. It does not work if i flush the game though.
  17. sinjax

    can i run dayz?

    i dont see anything in the sky >.<