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Everything posted by sinjax

  1. come watch and talk! www.twitch.tv/realsinjax
  2. pretty low quality but ill be streaming it, i also stream league of legends if you like to see some of that stuff, i will be upgrading my pc soon so i'll be able to stream at a higher quality, remember to follow if you enjoy! www.twitch.tv/realsinjax
  3. sinjax

    streaming dayz!

    deaths to hackers = 1, regearing atm :(
  4. Right now I am looking for a team to play with that will know when to get down to business and when you can have some fun. We are going to have AROUND 5 people, maybe 6 but no more than that, after you get too many people it just gets too crazy. I'm looking for skilled players that are willing to team with others. General communication skills and above average game knowledge are a must. I am also east coast US. PM me if you're interested at all.
  5. sinjax

    Dayz squad

    how many people are in your squad already and how old are all of you?
  6. if you people are going to message me please reply back
  7. keep pm'ing me if you're interested
  8. ok sounds good, how many people are you looking to keep this group down too?
  9. sinjax

    looking for one more player

    if you dont mind me asking, whats the age of everyone in this group?
  10. I am 17 years old and very experienced at this game. I am looking to join a 3 or so man team to be pretty serious. I am on US servers and am in est time. If you are interested just post or send me a pm.
  11. alright sounds good, just send me a friend request or link me to your steam so i can add you
  12. link me to your player profile? it doesnt seem to show up when i search it, mine is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029527253
  13. uh team_player i cant seem to find you on steam..
  14. my steam name is daowner123 EDIT: if that doesnt work add Jigglypuff. Inisde joke with a couple of buddies of mine lol.
  15. i am also east coast pyro, i dont think we get too high of ping on aus servers
  16. i also posted this on my thread, but this is exactly what im looking for. My username on steam is daowner123.
  17. hey team_player thats exactly what i am looking for, im not good with accents but im sure ill be able to pick up on it sooner or later, if i dont have too high of ping on those server im definitely sure ill play, i dont use the steam version though so do you have skype?