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About BearRamage

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  • Interests
    pc and drums.

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  • Bio
    i have been playing games every day for several hours my whole life. Started playing pc around a year ago.
  1. BearRamage

    Need a TEAM!

  2. BearRamage

    Need a TEAM!

    i dont know that guy
  3. BearRamage

    Need a TEAM!

    LOL thats fuckin funny as helllll. but really i need a clan/team
  4. BearRamage

    Need a TEAM!

    Hey guys this is my first time using the forums. I have been playing dayz for about a month or so (maybe longer i dont remember) and im sick of being alone or only playing with one other person. So i heard about he forums and thought this would be a good place to look for a team. if you already have a team, know of a team that needs players, or would like to start a team please post or message me. I use skype to talk and my skype username is on my profile. please only experienced to semi-experienced please.