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About ashten18@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ashten18@gmail.com

    Are people more hostile, or friendly?

    I would like to be a survivor, but if killing someone has more gains, than loses I will do it.
  2. ashten18@gmail.com

    IF this was an actual game...

    I would want it to be game purchase only. Anything else is completely ridiculous. - Community developed or studio developed? Studio, with community feedback. But the studio needs to keep the game play as it is, and only improve upon it. - Community or studio servers? or both? Both. - Kickstarter? or not? This depends on a lot of factors, that I am unaware of.
  3. ashten18@gmail.com

    New Server/Client

    Alright, thanks for the help.
  4. ashten18@gmail.com

    New Server/Client

    I can't connect to two servers because I don't have, "Server/Client 1.61.92333". I also can't seem to find this anywhere, and I would appreciate some help. The reason I would like to connect to these servers is because they seem to be the only ones that are not full during the day. I have tried for over an hour, but every server is full.
  5. ashten18@gmail.com

    I'm Fairly New to This Game

  6. ashten18@gmail.com

    I'm Fairly New to This Game

    As the title suggests, I am new to the Arma series, and the DayZ mod. Does anyone have any tips, to help me stay alive through my journey?