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About Nights

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    On the Coast
  1. This thread is becoming my favorite part of this mod. You people thinking goons are some sort of ddosing, doxxing internet illuminati are hilarious.
  2. This game would be hilariously unexciting as it is without someone to play the villain. I don't think anyone really advocates turning off the total pvp, or at least I hope not.
  3. Haha, oh Bandit. These games attract the worst kind of sperglord.
  4. Why are you still talking about "goons" as one entity?
  5. There is no "their guilt". LLJK isn't a clan, it's people from the same forum that use a tag to recognize other people from the same forum. There's no organization, no leadership, no-one to "control" what other people from the forum are doing. Why should everyone from something awful (A little more than 160.000 people at the time of writing) be held accountable for what a few are doing?