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    On the Coast
  1. I'd like to join Im alone and need partner/s. Im 18 and have a well-geared character. Here are my answers. 1. Skype only. 2.United States 3.Of course. 4.18 5.About a week but I have all controls down pat. Like i said I have good gear M16A2, Makarov, G17, Ghillie suit, I had an AS50 but I died): 6.I like far range, sniping etc, but atm I have an m16 sooooooo.... 7.Never found a vehicle. That why I need a team! 8.Yes, guaranteed i will not backstab, steal etc. 9.i play whenever I can, every night around 10PM, I work but I still try my best to get on DayZ. If i have a day off and my girlfriends working i might be on all day :P 10.3rd person, mostly, but i can play 1st person. 11.I LOVE skyrim and am eagerly waiting for HALO 4(: BTW my skype is tommckinley5 so add me !