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thesidetalker (DayZ)

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Everything posted by thesidetalker (DayZ)

  1. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Can admins see what weapon you are using?

    QFT & I have also seen a little less cheatin' going on in my servers lately. It was rare any one of them would get much above 25 players before some tard comes along and teleports everyone to the ocean or starts blowin' up cities. This last week or so I've seen some of them get to 30-45 players and stay that way for 30 minutes to an hour.
  2. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Problem with tents

    Could've been accidental. When I setup my first tent, I didn't like the spot, so I packed it up. I moved a bit and set it up again. I put some stuff in and saved it. After the server restarted there were two tents there. One which I saved with my stuff and the other was the first one I placed and packed up.
  3. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Beta 97451

    LOL, server op set required version higher than available client. Nice.
  4. Might need a server restart or loadevents ? If you use Domi's DaRT you can just click a button to reload scripts, bans and events.
  5. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Hosting bubble pop?

    OOOOOO you got him good!!one Seriously though? You should also try using the (latest) monitor. Increase your resolution... works fine, chief.
  6. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    Ok I stand corrected. I figured they we not, since that's what I've read in a few places and have never seen one in game. Neither have any of my friends. My opinion still stands about those guys with AS50 TWS's though. This guy seems like one of those types. Stir up some S*** and then cry "hey I'm not technically breaking any rules" Then drag it on and on and post about it? Find another server to play on. Seriously. It's easy.
  7. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    I don't know why these types get so butthurt. What a joke. Also pretty stupid to think satchel charges and other scripted items are "legitimate" ....please. A cheater brought them into the game against the rules, dropped them and you picked them up. So how are you any different from the cheater? gtfo.
  8. I filled out another request form and I didn't get my ID yet. Did they go back to approving these manually?
  9. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    No more auto server Instance ID's?

    Really? I thought I read a post about it by support somewhere, I guess not. Thanks
  10. thesidetalker (DayZ) Server becoming unplayable due to barbed wire

    People be trollin' my servers with barbed wire and tents, too. They put tents in doorways, blocking them lol.
  11. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    US 3279 Las Vegas HARDCORE!!!! (RAMdisk!!!)

    lol. Totally unnecessary system specs. You'll find out soon enough that you have way more than you need, but then you can just run more servers. It's fun putting together your own system huh?
  12. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    New server

    Too much work. Can you do it for me?
  13. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Looking for a few like minded clans

    This is something I can do, but I haven't found much information about how to actually set up a private hive. Anyone willing to help would be cool.. PM me
  14. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Soft restart

    Update the files in @DayZ. Also make sure you have Hive 0.7.4
  15. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #20

    What is it? My server randomly kicks everyone now with this message. Some hacker nuked it or something. Since then I restarted it once and I'm only seeing this on this one particular server.
  16. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #20

    So one person equips a military flashlight and this makes the server kick 10-15 people for #20 restriction? Seems weird. Although it happened at random intervals. Maybe the same guy came back later and tried.
  17. thesidetalker (DayZ)


    Should be \arma 2 operation arrowhead\cfgdayz and in there you have BattlEye folder, another cfgdayzDEFAULT, users, arma2.cfg and your server.cfg
  18. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Fuel Missing for all Vehicals

    In which file?
  19. Try that yet? And Lush- I'm not sure what you could do then if you're using the other IPs. Maybe you could get it to work with a Virtual Machine? Run one IP on that one. I have no idea.
  20. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    battleye global 3065 issue

    Or he tried using said cheat, then got banned and thought "shit, there goes 30 bucks. I wasn't really going to use the hack, I swear!"
  21. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Where are the cars and tents? US368

    Interesting... I thought I had a problem with my update to 2.6 I saved a motorcycle and tent, but today they are gone. I'll have to check after the next restart.
  22. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Brace yourselves, a second wave is coming

    Yeah... hackers on all of my servers tonight, nukes, teleporting etc. Feel like it's pointless to run 'em
  23. thesidetalker (DayZ)

    Updated Server but says in listing not updated

    Just updated my servers & same thing. Then, I changed my version in the server's hostname to and now dayzcommander shows them running the new version. Looks like it reads from the hostname. lol?
  24. network interface card Try taking all the other IPs off of the system. Use just the one and it should work. My DayZ server would still not work with multiple IPs, even though it is using the "Main" IP.