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Fleet (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Fleet (DayZ)

  1. Fleet (DayZ)

    Tips on surviving

    So I've been playing for about a month now, and I'm getting fairly tired of the same thing happening. I gather my supplies, head to northwest airfield, loot the barracks. Yet everytime I finish looting and am about to leave the barracks, I always get sniped. No matter the server size, about 6 times now I've gotten my loot, been about to leave, then bam sniped in the head. Is there something I'm doing wrong? If so how can I improve my chances of surviving? Also what is there to do after I get all my loot and get away besides finding a vehicle?
  2. Fleet (DayZ)

    Tips on surviving

    Wheres the best place to search for helicopter crash sites?