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Michael (DayZ)

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About Michael (DayZ)

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    Yo' it's Michael here, trying to keep active and playing DayZ, need to upgrade my PC :/ that rhymed... I should be a rapper.
  1. I also agree with this, However if you just wanted to rob someone in game it's not that simple since another player if they lost their items they might as well restart so just attacking you back would be a very viable thing to do since dying wouldn't matter to them. Situations like that can go any way, just like in real life however people don't act like they would in real life So basically; RL - you'd give your money to a guy pointing a gun at you (unless you're an expert in krav maga) In game - you'd attack the guy with an axe by sprinting at him from 20 meters away cos' you don't care, you're going to respawn
  2. I actually agree with what you're saying, I mean. my safety in game or real life is more important than a guy's that I don't even know. Selfish I know but, Such is life in the zone. Also, It depends on where the randomer is encountered. Such as. I was flying a Plane and saw another person flying a chopper, I don't know if they were hostile or not however, the fact they were in a Helicopter showed to me they knew what they were doing and therefore to me seemed as if they had some form of skill and wouldn't randomly kill innocents. So I just guess the severity of the situation, or how tense it is, Distance, group numbers, A whole lot of factors. But Mostly for me, if there is a guy in front of me with a weapon, I want to eliminate the threat.
  3. Michael (DayZ)

    DIfferent Server Different FPS?

    With these parameters in place, I'm running on about 30 FPS :D Helps a lot! Thanks guys <3
  4. Michael (DayZ)

    DIfferent Server Different FPS?

    Okay! Just set a few Game Parameters! let's hope it works, Just made the Max mem 2047 and the CPU numbers to 4. Thanks a load Byrgesen!
  5. Michael (DayZ)

    DIfferent Server Different FPS?

    Thanks for the help guys! because my FPS Fluctuates a lot! on a server restart I get MOST a 40, (This is on a 500+ Vehicles Taviana Map) Then over time it'll just drop to around 13 :/ becomes fairly unplayable as well in vehicle driving long distance, Goes to around 8 / 9 FPS, But My PC is not exactly bad, I mean it's fairly Decent To be honest
  6. Michael (DayZ)

    DIfferent Server Different FPS?

    This being Said, is there any extra things I can do to make my game run faster?
  7. Michael (DayZ)

    DayZ Wins and Fails Competition

    Ahh Right, I see. I just noticed that after I posted the comment, and was going to edit it, but I thought mehh I'll leave it for now :D
  8. Michael (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

    So, my group and I. 5 Guys, Brought all our Vehicles back to this spot :P logged out, and I came back like 3 Hours later. 2 Of the Vehicles were stolen. There is still 9 there! (small red vehicle behind the URAL) 1 Is a helicopter.
  9. Michael (DayZ)

    DayZ Wins and Fails Competition

    46 Minutes Is waay too long to watch for a few fails.
  10. Michael (DayZ)

    My Biggest DayZ fail to date!

    Me and my friend were playing on Taviana, and were pretty new at this point, So we got a car, had decent weapons. Nothing too major, just enough to kill. We drove past a small Town called Boye, and across the bridge to the second Island. My other friend was in a civillian Ural, and couldn't go as fast as us in the Humvee, We got across the bridge and was attacked by Bandits, my other friend died with all our major Loot, so my friend and I in the Humvee continued on being shot, driving towards an Airfield and parked in the woods and sprinted across the road and into the airfield, my friend shouted "Oh shit the guys are coming" look over to see our Ural and another vehicle driving down the road towards us, We saw a plane with no damage and half a tank of Fuel, He yells "Get in, I know how to fly... I think" so I jumped in and we drove forward about 20 meters, he pulled up to start flying and then a few seconds later, he forgot the keys were inverted and pointed the plane towards the floor and blew us both up. Dumb fuck.
  11. Michael (DayZ)

    DIfferent Server Different FPS?

    Ahh this all makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the replies guys and sorry for making a new topic, If there already was one, I couldn't find it.
  12. Hey, I've been playing DayZ for a while now, but only on one server. I changed servers and got a lower FPS :( Will my FPS alter between servers? and why is that? Thanks in advance :) Michael
  13. Michael (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Well I think this is a bug? But it was still pretty funny to watch. Some guy I think his name was Whide? Climbing down a ladder :P I never actually posted the image, I feel like an Idiot. http://i.imgur.com/C2fFp.jpg wasn't sure how to crop, so I just gonna post the link ;)
  14. Michael (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

    When I get back i'll be taking some screen shots Loving all of these so far.
  15. Michael (DayZ)

    Is it possible to test DayZ before buying ARMA?

    And getting the demo of both Arma II and Operation Arrowhead will not work.