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Insanity Stroke

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2 Neutral

About Insanity Stroke

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  1. We now have a community Youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/WarMachineEnt?feature=mhee Anyone can contribute and stuff is regularly posted!
  2. Hate bandits? Come kill them here! Love being a bandit? Come fuck some shit up here!
  3. Hey guys, come join the server. With all the custom content and fair admins all that its lacking is the population! Join teh server nao!
  4. Server is great, admins are cool, hackers are minimal and you have the best person playing on the server and his name is 'Insanity Stroke'
  5. 150+ vehicles, 3-6 choppers at all times, great admins, rare for hackers to be on the server long and overall a great server.
  6. -BUMP- Admins are great and players are cool, very small numbers of hackers and the ones that do slip through get banned instantly, lots of vehicles, plenty of PvP. Nothing more to say other than join now.
  7. Insanity Stroke

    Need Partners

    We have reached the maximum number of people, sorry to anyone who was hoping to add me.
  8. Insanity Stroke

    Need Partners

    Need Partners I have been with a few other groups before, and I have found that big groups are just havoc. I am making this thread to gather up a maximum of 3 players to play DayZ with me to make the best out of this very fun game. My timezone is GMT, due to things like school and work, it would be good if people would only add me if their timezones are similar to mine. Add me on Steam if you are interested, when we gather up enough people, we can arrange a rendezvous point and then play the game. Steam name: Insanity Stroke Please reply with your Steam name/username if you are having problems adding me, it would also be ideal if you have a microphone. Have fun. -Insanity Stroke
  9. Do you know how to make your own thread? If you can make up such tactics for your "tactical clan" then surely you can make your own thread. Good day sir.
  10. Yeah, same here, lots of results for your name, could you add me? Name is: bossing-yo-face Hope we can play soon. :D
  11. Insanity Stroke

    Starting 3-6 Person group

    I have added you on Steam and Skype, sorry for not being able to email you, for some reason it wouldn't allow me to send the email. Look forward to playing with you! -EDIT- Forgot to mention that I am in GMT and I play in the evening and at night the most, been playing for a few weeks and I'm on pretty much everyday.