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Everything posted by rolemodel

  1. yeah and while you are at it, make gille suits starter gear 10000 slots inventory with all guns and a 5 sec respawn timer. then you are all set.. /rant over
  2. 13-16 beeing the age of the people you are adressing? Isnt this game pegi 16+ ;) Thought the "learning curve" of this game would weed out some of the playerbase, guess not. uuugh. Best regards / BEASTYPLAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH_cod_killonsight_2skilled4u_umad_lulz
  3. rolemodel

    Nothing is spawning...

    Also seem to be true if you are aproaching settlements fast with a vehicle.
  4. rolemodel

    great brand new idea for dayz

    wow, you jsut dont get it do you? "2skillD4Uok?" Literlarly crying blood over here :/
  5. rolemodel

    Post your highest kill count

    yeah i ahve 1901283897864892903878237847234 murders 12983787154892358989988988888888888888888888888999 bandit kills, This was about 4 minutes gameplay. No screenshot though :/ ......
  6. rolemodel

    awsome idea for finished game

    probably just CoD player ;) but then agian, thats an acronym for retarded/troll anyway
  7. rolemodel

    awsome idea for finished game

    Beeing able to record videos of sniping people make the game the best in the world? OK I thought the gameplay, experience, contetnt defined what was a good game ;) touché ; ) I think im getting out of this discussion, hahaha
  8. rolemodel

    AS50 Near Death Experience

    Good guy greg not disconnecting/aborting ;) So have your heart rate slowed down yet ? OT, I see a little trend, all thoose ppl with clan tags seem to be the best ones at combat quitting? anyone agree about theese self proclaimed pro´s aborting 100% of the times when they are not the ones initiating combat ?
  9. rolemodel

    awsome idea for finished game

    Well, i dont want CoD or BF3 players playing this game so thumbs down mate ;) Theres enough of thoose 12 year olds KoS, griefing new spawns, complaning about starting gear not beeing gille, as50, coyote backpack and so on, i dont want more of these kind of people :) Edit: And its is NOT and FPS, it spawned out of a sim, and id say its still close to a combat sim fps :) de_dust is calling for you mate! ;)
  10. rolemodel

    heli crash sites

    this morning, found one basicaly crashed ontop of gast station next to a road, so, random is random :) But dense forests are a 100% no spawn chance so avoid them, and ong big open fields they are quite easy to spot. Good luck! P.S also pray to the loot gods for a spawn without 4x bizon SD´s :D D.S
  11. rolemodel

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Really? Judging by your signature, "Currently Looking for: SVD Camo, M4A1 Holo w/203 rnds, M249 w/ammo Have to trade: NVG's, Rangefinder, 2x Ghillies, 2x Camo clothes PM here on forums if interested" Yeah you seem to really have lost intrest and never plays, probably wont play stanalone either. THIS IS ALPHA. ´course alot of things are shit, and it will continue to be shit unless ppl post accurate bug reports instead of flaming and then let team rocket ( :D ) work on thoose issues. I have said over the last week "!(/"/!#" THIS GAME IM NOT PLAYING ANYMORE" when i for the 5th time have been killed by hacker or retarded bug/glitch, but, i still end up coming back because it is just awsome, and the mroe info ppl conttribute about bugs and glitches, the better next patch will be!
  12. rolemodel

    Heli idea

    PPL complaining about anti air equipment needed for that, bring out your AS50 and/or M107, and boom. done :)
  13. rolemodel

    Who needs bandits

    Wow just wow. Did you even read the post? it clearly stated it was his friend who threw the grenade ;) How did you even find this game, let alone played it more than 2 minutes since there was no de_dust map? ;)
  14. rolemodel

    need a tent

    So what are you going to use it for? Putting stuff in there so it dissapears on server resets? Why dont you just trow the items on the ground ;) Nothing to do anymore besides killing everyone an everything on bugged public dayz and all private hives wich have theese issues fixed are full 24/7 :(
  15. rolemodel

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    [TMW]Mobes12 got me back on my feet in like 15 minutes, such an awsome guy, friendly and gave me so tips for my jurney also! 100 cans of beans for him :)
  16. rolemodel

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need blood, south west 028 130 between kamenka and Komarovo, got ported back to coast :( Got careless, then another bug screwed me over, vent over a fence, broke my legs and passed out, started to bleed out, fixed my leg (i had morphine) and bandaged myself up. crawled into woods, cant see anything. at 300ish blood. Pal is on the other side of map :( Steam name: rofferaket cheers!