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About msmall97

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. msmall97


    Whats it called? i'll give a try with a few friends
  2. msmall97


    I know haha, wish dayz was still in the old days :(
  3. Im looking for a good old fashioned dayz server. It must have: All weather Day Night Private Hive With Active Admins No extra vehicles Just the normal spawns Start gear is normal no extra. At most 25 players at least 15 on average. Just post the name below, Thanks.
  4. msmall97


    Hey, im looking to record dayz but im getting pretty bad frames when recording with dxtory. My rig: Nvidia GTX 660 TI Intel i5 3570K CPU @3.40Ghz 8GB RAM Can anyone recommend any setting on arma/nvidia/dxtory i can change to get atleast 35-30 fps while recording? Thanks.
  5. msmall97


    So basically since i updated my arma and my dayz to the newest version i keep getting the "bad server,connection rejected" error but its only for the majority of servers and other servers work i tried to install the beta patch that most people use but every time i install it, it doesnt change so can someone help me with this problem ? -I use dayz Commander -At the dayz menu screen it says"version- 1.62.95777" "DayZ-" -At the left of each server their is either a red cross or a black box with a red circle in it.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1PwcqR2JPI&feature=youtu.be (read the youtube description)
  7. msmall97

    Sever Restarts

    So can someone basically explain to me what happens in a server restart ? like do tents get empted or do they disappear or what ? what happens overall in the server restart ?
  8. So basically I found a nice spot for a camp and i placed my tent. Then i went to open it to put stuff in it and it won't let me open it, is there anyway i could fix this ?
  9. Hey, im looking for a video that shows you places to look for other players campsites and a video that shows you the best servers to join.