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About pieapplejuice

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. i even wonder how u would assume it was me? when i see a survivor i see no names on them! Besides that he mention that i should be invisible? how can he see me but not see me and still say i have a M9 silenced ?! Anyways i tried logging in again today and the ban is still up :( hopefully this get clarified when smKes get home and have a few minutes to look into things..
  2. Yep i just got a message saying i was banned (Mark) truth is i havent been playing much this evening besides been stuck at the edge of the map in my tractor which i got fired on from someone so i logged off and just now came back to this message ? i am now in a store in a city i dont know name of lotting up supplies so i have by no means been teleporting around breaking people's legs! i dont even have a M9 but a G17 !
  3. For once in this game i am happy i was out in the open here goes, i saw a car parked at a shelter on an open field thinking i would defiently wanna get my hands on that one! well guess what a Bandit spawned right next to me just all outta nowhere ! im just THIS happy i had found a Ak in a deer stand 5 mins before and we had a open fire fight 3 meters away from each others, both died :( but im just happy i didnt die in vain this time!!! name was Mark and some xhadjlasb other bandit cant spell his name might have seen us pop up on screen =), and also smKes u scare the heck outta me when u just all of sudden talks to the server :P something about an axe man earlier =]
  4. Well idk how friendly this is compared to the others, well i would say it aint friendly at all, hell i even got shot in the back while i was hiding at a tree cus i had to check my map really fast (5sec) then BANG dead.... spawned a new character BANG sniped. and this is just under 2 hours from now. been playing your sever for 3 days now always ended up dieing to players after couple of hours pfft.