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Everything posted by Tomas889

  1. I've been been playing happily for the past few days on GB #00. But just today I've been kicked for 'Script Restriction #40'? What is that? I'm really really confused? I'm a legitimate gamer and I havent hacked or anything so what's the deal? Before I started getting kicked every second for 'Script Restriction #40' I found an SUV, could that have something to do with it? Any help is appreciated - Tom
  2. There's one aspect of DayZ that always brings me back to it. No matter what's happened this always makes me come back. The Adrenaline Rush. This is the only game I've played in a long while which actually gives me a real adrenaline rush when I'm in a situation or a fire fight. Now I'm not sure whether anyone else agree's but this game just has so much to it. And its the only game that can give me that kind of rush, its truly brilliant. My question is, is there anyone else who would agree? (I know its a mod, I just like saying its a game. Plus soon it will be!)
  3. Tomas889

    One thing I love about DayZ...

    My hands shake too after an intense fire fight, its brilliant! And i remember my first kill, I wasnt proud and literally had to sit for an hour thinking about it and actually calming down, it was a great time! :beans:
  4. Tomas889

    One thing I love about DayZ...

    Been playing since April i believe, cant remember exactly but its been a few months, still good though!
  5. So erm, I've just finally built my dream computer, get everything installed, boot up ARMA 2 - DayZ and find there's only 1 or 2 people in the servers. I'm lucky if I find one with 5 people that i can actually join. Where in god's name is everyone!? I guess for now i'll have to stick to completing ARMA 2.
  6. DayZ Commander, HERE I COME. Thanks.
  7. While i'm here, would anyone be able to explain why 70% of the servers I now come across are not compatible. My version is 1.62. but then there's all these other servers with the same '1.62.' but with a bunch of numbers. Its not that they're on different maps they're just a different version.
  8. Hmm, I'll try again now and see if I can find any full servers.
  9. Tomas889

    [Chernarus Renegades][14+][Recruiting]

    How many members do you have? What kind of servers do you play? Im interested in this but unfortunately Im still waiting on my new computer. -Thanks
  10. Tomas889

    DayZ movie trailer - 28 Dayz Later

    Just a note, in your video you say 28 weeks later, then at the end you say 28.5 days later. Also its called 28 days later and you've also said its 28 days later above. Big mistake. But still, pretty good video, next time try and work on not jerking the camera around when moving your mouse, just take shots from one position and move around at a set angle. Then you dont get the horrible jerky movements. Good luck ;)
  11. Love the idea of the NPC bases! Especially the survivor one, one thing i would mention is placement of the Bandit Base. I don't believe it should be at the South coast as thats where everyone spawns, instead I think it should be placed nearby the East coast. Also, I don't think I can agree with the "Random Joining". Its not like theres tons of these team speak clans dominating servers, there still are other people with a simple mic who will teamup. You just need to find them, and hope you dont run into a clan on the way to finding them! Still, loved the idea in a whole, so good job! :beans:
  12. I found your problem... My input would to just get a tower. You can get one relatively good for about £400 and one very good at about £800 so it's not a massive amount of money for a computer that can run a lot of the latest games on highest specs. Good Luck.
  13. Tomas889

    How NOT to steal someones plane (Catapults in Takistan?)

    Thought it would be a helicopter due to the blades, but then again it is basically a plance when the propellers are turned.
  14. Tomas889

    loading screen stuck

    Na, nothing to do with your system. It's all about the servers and the amount of people in them, just keep trying, on my old computer sometimes it took a good 20 minutes to get into low pop servers.
  15. Tomas889

    loading screen stuck

    How long have you waited on the screen? On almost full servers its common that it takes a while to join because of people joining/leaving all the time.
  16. Tomas889

    How NOT to steal someones plane (Catapults in Takistan?)

    That was a Mobile Anti-Aircraft Gun, can't give you an exact name but it's for taking down choppers+planes. Also, I think thats classed as a helicopter not a plane. Still, pretty good :beans:
  17. I guess all the whining little brats kinda ruin our reputation :(
  18. It sounds like you're mad because you lost your gear...
  19. Mm, I'd agree. I'm 15 and I'm not one of these Children. I can understand that older people wouldn't want to play with me on first sight, but I'm sure once they'd played with me for a few hours they'd accept me. Just a shame they can't give some of us a chance...
  20. Tomas889

    Bye Bye DayZ

    You will be sorely missed. No, really.
  21. Tomas889

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    You sir. I said YOU SIR. Can have my beans for just posting that amazing video. Thankyou for letting me experience it's greatness.
  22. Tomas889

    Day Z Videos

    I'm not sure whether this has been posted before, but I've just seen it and it's absolutely brilliant! Give this guy some attention! Give it a watch! :beans:
  23. I like this idea here, inside it would contain loot + zombies. It would be great to go down into a dark underground network with only your flashlight, checking corners constantly and running into the odd zed here and there. It would be tense. And brilliant.
  24. Tomas889

    Cutting Fences,Animals and Backstabbing

    Okay I get you, maybe they could just implement some bolt cutters or something for that?
  25. Tomas889

    Standalone - serverwide 'objectives'

    I like the idea of communities and the whole repairing buildings and such. Also the telephone idea would be nice, except make sure the telephone wire spawn frequency is low so you don't have hundreds of cables all over the map. I'm not to sure on the whole "server-bound characters". But still, you can have my beans.