A couple of days ago I was playing and logged off the server like normal (did not alt+f4) and the next day when I went back to pick up where I left off before the game even finished loading I see a "ph0bia was killed" message at the bottom of the screen and when it was done loading I was out in the middle of no where and had no gear what-so-ever including a backpack. The only thing I have is my ghillie suit. I tried logging back off and on, but it just did the same thing except this time it spawned me on the coast still with no gear. Since then I've tried logging into multiple servers, re-installing everything, and using a different program to launch Day-z (was using dayZ commander). None of it worked. I found on the forums here that one answered how to fix this issue but his answer required the use of the respawn button in the game. I have yet to play on a server (Tried over a dozen different servers with different difficulties) that the respawn button isn't greyed out. Anyone know of a way to fix this issue? I would love to get back all my stuff as I had a lot of great gear/weapons instead of just killing myself and restarting from scratch.