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Everything posted by andrew946

  1. andrew946

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    you may not belive me but its my birthday today ^^
  2. if you are in main menu down right corner you see wich version u have
  3. i spawned out of the map too and i have alot of good stuf :(
  4. stil cant join server and like 9 hourse ago i have joined server but i spawned in middle of nowhere D: and i have so much good stuff and later i joine 2 other server at same location :( and now i cant join any server with this waiting for character
  5. andrew946

    70 man server (full lockdown strat)

    very good story. sadly none of you have recorded and most of fun when every one is recorden then you see how it happens in his eye's. but the story is very good. i like it :). +1
  6. andrew946

    Helicopter crash sites

    who made this treahd. post the newest information about crashed in first page. not many people are gonna go and serch on last few pages of it
  7. andrew946

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    but with legs it is true. you can better take more morphine then other stuf
  8. andrew946

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    can you fix that not every 50 times you get hit by infected that you legs is not breaking. because its soo fucking fast that i need to do every time suicide D:
  9. andrew946

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    i have just intalled and now second came out jesus you fast:P thank you