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Everything posted by pimp.xXx

  1. Hey guys and gurls, My PC crashed while flying the Huey and re-spawed. But the helicopter is not around near me. Where did it go? I searched 1 sq km around where i was last before the pc crashed. Anyone have an idea on where the heli is?
  2. pimp.xXx

    PC crashed while flying the Huey

    @Klaz48 Thanks! I guess it exploded and no sign of crash site. Well, I'll find a new one. It's just anoying when your pc crash (AAO stopped working) while piloting a huey.
  3. pimp.xXx

    PC crashed while flying the Huey

    Makes sense. A whole days work to get it fixed gone in seconds lol.
  4. pimp.xXx

    Fix artifacting, FFS.

    I get artifacts when going to military bases. What i do is go to Video setting --> advance --> disable/enable vertical sync. If it's on and gets artifacts, turn it off. Do the same process if you get artifacts back (in reverse, off to on) This helped me. My graphic card is nvidia gtx 580, So i dunno if this will help AMD cards.