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About blugyblug

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  1. blugyblug

    What Happened On Your FIRST DAY Of DayZ?

    Spent like 20 minutes staring at dayzdb.com/map trying to figure where i was. i was in kamenka. went to the deer stand north of kamenka and found an M4 CCO SD in it. Shot a zombie, got hit by another and started bleeding. I didn't know how to bandage so at 6k blood i watched a quick youtube video and bandaged myself at about 900 blood. then ended up dying anyway from another zombie. also staring at the shitass graphics (was on like 70% 3D resolution) at 20FPS.
  2. blugyblug

    Where have you found your NVG's?

    Once at a heli crash site a long time ago around Zeleno That's the only time i've actually FOUND nvg. Stolen them from tents/bodies plenty of times though.
  3. Arma 2 inventory is the stupidest thing i've seen. i had to watch an 11min video to figure it out. here's another inventory guide (there's a few on youtube)
  4. blugyblug

    Best all round gun on the game

    M14 and M16A4 ACOG are the best all round.
  5. Yep same, found a ghillie suit, put it on. instant kick for script #45. logged back in and dropped the suit (figured that was causing it) then later on i killed a guy, instant kick for script #45 (bandit skin). Keep trying to log in but i keep getting kicked for the same reason. it was a private hive server though, DayZ ANZ#1.
  6. yea same thing happened to me. Logged in at Zub, went to stary, got killed by some bandit (was funny cos we both died at the same time), then i went to the same server and I logged in at Zub with my gear, M14 AIM, ghillie, etc. Lo. happened again on the same server. AS50 dude came up to me, and i shit you not, we both shot each other at the same time and died again. so yeah back at Zub for the 2nd time. Almost got the guys chopper as well cos I killed his bandit friend lmao.
  7. blugyblug

    Do you have music enabled?

    lowered it. some of the music is tense/creepy,
  8. not the worst thing, but fking hilarious and i've never killed this many people before spawned at kamenka, so i head to kamenka to kill my self (lol). hear voices and there's a bunch of guys with high level guns. since im unarmed i run closer and they're talking about meeting up with some friends. There were a handful of guys so i just ran in and wasn't really noticed. a few of them thought I was one of their friends who they'd been waiting for. turns out one of them was a hacker and spawned a box with everything in the game inside it, which is how they all had AS50s, mk48s, fn fal etc. so i decided they should all die and while they were all looting the box, i grabbed 2 satchel charges from the box, well as some some meat, water bottles, and a backpack. (there were 50 of each item inside it lol) and set the charges in a nearby bush with a 30 second timer, and ran off. 30 seconds later the charge blows up and there's about 8 people dead in one explosion. never laughed so f**king hard in dayZ.
  9. blugyblug

    Warship In Cherno?

    yeah i've seen a massive battleship in the ocean after i spawned at kamenka. weird
  10. blugyblug

    Shoot all un-armed bandits on sight.

    What about the glitch where you get a bandit skin for 5 minutes after you spawn/log in
  11. blugyblug

    How to go out in style

    mordekaiser es no.1 huehuehue
  12. blugyblug

    Looking to sell my FN FAL AN/PVS-4 for 2 NV scope

    FN FAL pvs4 is a common gun? =/
  13. also server restarts improve load times. if you join a server that restarted recently it will load much faster
  14. blugyblug

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    m4a1 CCO. spawned in kamenka, looked on a map, saw a deer stand, ran to it. m4a1 cco in it. then i got hit by a zombie and died because i didn't know how to bandage