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Everything posted by benpowell987

  1. benpowell987

    looking for partner or group

    http://dayzmod.com/f...ing-you-a-team/ Take a look, it is worth while i promise.
  2. First off, I do apologise for any spelling or grammer errors, I am quite tired at the present moment, and will most likely inprove this soon. Operation Bang Tidy Operation Bang Tidy, Is the Enforcers First Open community Event, In attempts to try and get Back too our roots, and in attempts to Try and get a little of the players actually playing to how DayZ was actually created for, Teamwork, Survival, Semi-Serious Roleplay, And good ol'Zombie slaying fun. Breifing: Those whom wish to join in on the fun, shall meet A squad of enforcers on a selected time, and Selected server, which will be two days of fun, and events. You shall Meet you're squad at Kamenka where You will encounter Zombies, Bandits, And other hazards in the Wild, as we travel too Chernogorsk, where we will scavenge for supplies, Weapons, and other possessions, These shall be distributed too the outsiders ( the people too whom are not part of Enforcer Group ) as we shall have low Grade weapons, to start off with, ( with the one exception, to keep away Those with intentions of ruining the fun prematurely ) After an hour or two, we shall Vote for A single place to travel too within squad, and head that direction, whilst after, going our seperate ways. Whom is Invited to this Operation? Absulutely anybody and everybody, the ultimate goal of this is too allow players too whom have not had prior experiance with group work, get a little experiance behind there belt, aswell as Helping players to whom may not be perfect at the game, inprove a bit. When is this and what server? Every saturday At 5:00 PM GMT for the European Operations, whilst the American Operations shall begin at 1:00 PM EST Sunday, The servers are being disputed, at the present moment, if you would like to suggest One European server, and one American server, Please do so Below. How Do I Sign Up? This is an ongoing operation from the Enforcers, that will go on every week, so we have designated a spot on our own private forums for this operation, All applicants are accepted, even if we do not comment on it, we just like to keep a record of those whom we have helped, we would also like to hear you're opinions, See if you picked any pictures up, or Recorded somin' intresting on the round, and finally If you enjoyed it or not, ( there is a subsection for that last part ) So, sign up at: http://dayzenforcers...m.com/index.php today, and join in the fun, Whom Are the enforcers? The Enforcers are a group, too whom, have been around for a while now, we have developed quite a foothold, on several servers, our original aim, was to get a group together, and yer'know, Play like the game was supose to of been be played in the first place. we've limited space but yer'know. I know to some this sounds like a massive recruitment drive, but we are actually doing this, to help. A little Request I have a Personal request too those would be event spoilers out there, please try not to prematurely ruin the party, by turning up with a SMG and Killing the entire group, well, atleast try and hold off, until cherno ( not saying thats fully okay aswell, but cherno is quite a hot spot, ) we would also ask that atleast someone records the first ever operation for perposes of our own enjoyment, and you're own youtube likes. Disclaimer People are going to die on this, the designated enforcers within each group shall try our best to prevent this, but incase that is the issue, that you die, try not to think of it as a reason to go on a rage and lose hope, Death is just a daily aspect of DayZ. We also have used the title name Operation Bang tidy for Perposes of our own enjoyment, meaning two things; Keith lemon, and a quick cleanup, using weapons... geddit'? Aye I suck at jokes, but it's the best I could do. Any Questions about the Game? Are you not entirely sure on a subject matter? maybe you're not one hundred percent on somin', or you just want to know what weapons better, ask us on the day, and we shall answer any question asked.
  3. benpowell987

    Operation Bang Tidy: Open Community Event

    e are talking about changing the times, give us A yell what times are best for you
  4. benpowell987

    Operation Bang Tidy: Open Community Event

    [ Reserved ]
  5. 'It is up to the bravery of Few, to Look out for the cowadice of many'' - Me, after saving a group of Undergeared nonses, from a conjoined assault of zed's and Players. As a Player of Day Z, I recent have took a break from it, Coming back, i find myself wanting to create a group, of bandits and survivors alike, the goal of this project is to train, To survive, and to seize an opportunity to create a longer lasting lifetime, so here comes; The Enforcers The goal of this group will be to protect, to train, And to help. We will be a slight roleplaying group, Semi-Serious roleplaying group, With ranks, with events, and with Conjoined Supplies. The reason we are also inviting bandits too this group, Are as followed: - They are stronger than the avarage servivor. - The have Balls. - They Can kill invaders without feeling the slightest bit Damned about it. - They ca-... Why the hell not. - They Will cause a Good confrontational roleplaying balance within the group. The Reason We are inviting Survivors too the group, Are as followed: - Even the strongest of souls have to start somewhere. - They are easily trained, and geared up. - Some of the best shots around have been friendly's. - Cannon fodde-... urhm, They can be easily trained to Withstand the flying bullets that occur around the wasteland. What sort of Roleplay will occur? - Events like Scavenging - Events such as Cleaning towns from the infected, and snipers - Events such as Domestic Roleplaying. - Domestic Abuse within the Base for the win. What server will we Play on? Not yet dicided How Do I apply? - Simple, head here; http://dayzenforcers...m.com/index.php and submit an application, Be quick, as spaces may be limited, and subject to terms and conditions only ( there are no terms and conditions ) Ben i am just a lowely noob, What Can I do? What cant you do? You can aid in the scavenging, you can aid in guard detail, you can even Become a medic, Maybe even a hunter? I am going to join just to kill you all Good for you, I hope you're Penis is as small as you're personality's greatness. Reasons why I may not be able to join? - because you cannot be arsed to add my skype? - because you Are under the age of 14? ( sorry, we have to have a boundry somewhere, I may not be able to hold the Screaches of the young un's ) - there are no other reasons why not, We accept any gender, personality, Age within a reason, ( meaning, mature 13's, may be allowed in with a majority vote ) Therer is absulutely no reason any of you may not be able to reach a rank appreciated. Who the fuck are you Ben? Me? I’m Your Friendly Neighborhood hero-... Spiderma-... Admittably, I am new too the forums, But I have Quite the history in leading groups, such as World of warcraft guilds, Runescape clans, FPS group, Here is a bit about me as a person: hello, I am bo-... Bil-... Harr-... Ben.. Yes ben is the Right one. Hello I Am Ben, Im quite a jice chap, I am british of course, And before DayZ, I have always been looking for a game like this, DayZ to me, is like... a cigarette after sex... yes thats the one, Orgasmic. I am a major Game nerd, but also with a social life, My favorite style of clothing; Elegently casual, So aye. Ben, Game nerd, Social, Smart.. I wish to benafit the group aswell as be in it... ( or not ) how may I be at you're service? - We need someone to aid in designing a Logo, - We need someone with a decent computer based / How the fuck do I set up a team speak channel - We need someone whom can help with web creating. How to Do I Apply Again? head to our Forum here: http://dayzenforcers...m.com/index.php And submit an application Current amount of members: fifteen
  6. A once great man once said ''Sod off then'''
  7. Pretty funny, as it seems my spelling has come into question, Simple, as those to whom are reading it, and not like what is wrote, should atleast have a common curtesy to atleast not have the smallest of digs, in attempts to attack the group's reputation, or personality, as the person whom actually helped me write this has Dyslexia, and felt it was quite good, so aye, how do yer'feel now? my good chum's.
  8. I can actually send you too the person whom mispelt Survivor, so you may kick teh'beans outtah'them. As for hacking consern's, I am quite confidant that a clan own server, with some players that wish it, to join the server, whilst Excluding hackers from it, Is quite a good idea, simple as, a whitelisted sortah'thing
  9. I have to say; I didnt write this, I wrote a majority, but there are quite a few sections too which, Include the word survivor that I have not wrote.. i'l be proof reading this and fixing errors. dit: a quick proof read; and sorted, I apologise, I am quite tired, and I had the pre-existing members write me up something too add too the group, In my tired state, I forgot to proof read for grammer, and Spelling errors, totally my bad
  10. you sir, deserve some beans.
  11. Aye, that it is my good ol'chap. Aye, that we will my good ol'chap, when the time comes, we've been active for quite some time now, yer'see, we actually have had quite alot of applications before the forums where opened, it was just the fact that, I was gettign 30 skype inboxes a day asking me to let them in, and too be fair; that gets stressful, answering 20 questions in a short space of one second before being asked ''R U THERE?!'' That I will Edit: Done
  12. The enforces ( as seem: http://dayzmod.com/f...ew-day-z-group/ ) are looking for someone too whom can make a banner, for them, And or A quick Title picture, we may have other Requests; so those whom wish to participate Add the skype name ; Benpowell987 I do apologise for the shortness of this post, there is not much too be said in it, But the prizes are grand, First prize being ; A suprise! ( ten pounds / 20 dollars, for all those whining about not knowing it ) Second prize being: Some food and medical supplies Third Prize being; Ammo of your choice T'is all over chaps and chapettes, The winner has been awarded with twenty dollars on the spot, via Paypal, And will feature her work on the Webpage
  13. benpowell987

    A clan In need off Artists! Prizes to be won!

    we had a large conversation in group about this, and ended up talking about real money payment, so Un fortuantly, that's what it will be :3 real money ot no deal
  14. benpowell987

    The Enforcer's; A new Day Z group

    i disagree with one of your prior statements of ''No roleplaying bullshit'' thank yer' for the intrest but no thank you.
  15. benpowell987

    A clan In need off Artists! Prizes to be won!

    Aye, but they are, if they are an unlimited supply of Supplies for a week or so, And they also are if its a chance to win, Real life money
  16. benpowell987

    The Enforcer's; A new Day Z group

    we've 11 members at the present moment, Which is decent with a day gone by since we where formed, So aye,
  17. benpowell987

    Looking for a serious Dayz Clan

  18. benpowell987

    The Enforcer's; A new Day Z group

    Seven people signed up within the first half hour, Still working on the ranks system