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About zebrakid96

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  1. zebrakid96

    UK players wanted !!!

    i dont have a car i have nothing i just died so thats why i wanna team up its much easier with other people ;)
  2. Hi i am looking for some players who live in the UK and don't mind playing with younger players.Just post on the thread if you wanna join me and my brother in our Dayz adventures. Ryan. Skype:rascal332
  3. zebrakid96

    Join me maybe?

    mines rascal322 :D
  4. zebrakid96

    Join me maybe?

    us 4 then :)
  5. zebrakid96

    Join me maybe?

    us three should start now :D
  6. zebrakid96

    Join me maybe?

    i will join you :)
  7. yep same here i will play with you right now if you want if you dont just pm me anytime and i will play :)
  8. zebrakid96

    Looking for Teammates (Steam account)

    interested pm me anytime and i will play. :)
  9. hi i am looking for anyone to play with so any time and i'll be on just email me at zebrakid96@hotmail.co.uk anytime i will play any time today.