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Everything posted by Demon88

  1. [ Vanilla DayZ Bug Fixes ] No longer possible to drink/eat without consuming the food item No longer possible to pitch a tent without consuming the tent No longer possible to put on clothes without consuming the clothing No longer possible to build sand bags/cat wire/hedgehogs without consuming the itme No longer possible to consume medical supplies (bandages/etc) without consuming them No longer possible to generate free filled water bottles with an unfilled water bottle No longer possible to create axes out of thin air if you already have one Switching skins no longer repairs pain shakes/broken legs Switching skins no longer resets/dupes/screws with your backpack Switching skins no longer resets ammo Duping no longer possible through zombie corpses/backpacks/etc Vehicles save fuel properly uicontrol UI error fixed It should now be impossible for a new spawn to spawn unconscious (wasn't too uncommon when dying/respawning in vanilla DayZ). You can no longer cook infinite free meat from camp fires Survivors should no longer pickup a single item at the same time and both receive it. You can no longer generate multiple tents while packing up a deployed tent. You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle (exploit related) Fixed zombie death animations (no longer sprint forward before dying) Exploit/dupe involving disconnecting fixed Bear traps work properly and do not leave behind invisible traps when picked up Vehicle bug that "insta-repaired" vehicles no longer happens Tents no longer creep on each restart (just once on first restart, then never again) [ New Mechanics/Features ] Combat System. If you fire a weapon, someone fires a weapon near you, or a bullet/object impacts near you, then you go into combat. During combat, "ABORT" is disabled. If you ALT-F4/close anyway, your character is considered "combat logged" and instantly killed and leaves a body. A timer in the upper right (will be removed eventually) and a G17 gun icon near your temperature icon indicate whether you're in combat or not. Chloroform. In an experiment to see how heroes and bandits alike use it, Chloroform now rarely spawn in hospitals. You use it just like a blood bag, and it will knock the person unconscious for 3.5 minutes. You can drag them around, load them into a vehicle, or whatever else sounds fun! Vehicle flipping. You can now flip any vehicle over that has been flipped (despite it being unrealistic for cars/trucks, the whole reason this feature is really necessary is because of how buggy things can get in the first place). Just use the scroll action menu on a flipped ATV or what not and flip it back over. Vehicle inspection. Shows up during the same situations "Save Vehicle" does. Pops up an interface with any and all damaged parts (0% meaning destroyed) as well as the vehicle general health. I would advise ignoring the in-vehicle HUD for anything but gas, as this new interface is substantially more granular and helpful. No more chopper leaks because now you'll know exactly what needs fixing! Crowbars can be "tool belted" just like hatchets. Yay! Tents can no longer be placed in or near buildings. They must also be placed on grass or forest (not, for example, concrete) Zombies can now hear weapons fire 15% further than in regular DayZ 1st person is now enforced while inside of any vehicle (both for the survival experience improvement and to make locating tents/camps from vehicles more difficult) If you have a "Box of Matches", you can set tents on fire. This destroys their contents and deletes them from the database so they don't return on restart. [ Chernarus Changes (ChernarusRedux) ] This is a modification of Chernarus to make more towns worthy of being visited and not just bypassed. This will be done by adding enterable buildings to most towns that have none or a severe lack of them. The following towns/areas have at least their initial preview/test of ChernarusRedux changes live: Kamenka (more residential, more industrial, a supermarket, and two military tents off in the field west of Kamenka) North East Airfield (one barracks, fire station, two more hangars, a single medical tent, and a few other flavor items) [ Backpack Changes ] You no longer spawn with a backpack of any kind. Backpack spawns rates adjusted to be in line with smaller backpacks being more common and larger ones being more rare. Residential spawn backpacks are now: Czech Vest Pouch (6), Patrol Pack (8), Assault Pack (12) Military spawn backpacks are now: Czech Backpack (16), ALICE pack (20), Coyote backpack (24) [ General Loot Changes ] Loot piles across the board are slightly more rare, with some areas having trash/general piles have a higher chance of spawning. Generally, good stuff is more rare. The loot spawning mechanics have been adjusted slightly to hopefully spawn a bit more intuitively and require less attempting to "game the system" just to get loot. You are rewarded for NOT loot cycling/loot piling buildings by making chances for new loot piles more likely next cycle if you leave loot piles alone that you don't want. Loot (and zombies) spawn even if you're in a vehicle, negating the "park'n'walk" requirement for getting loot. Cat wire and Hedgehogs removed from game. Their consistent use of "griefing buildings" with inability to affect zombie pathing made them unattractive. Sand bags remain. Both existing ammo boxes have been removed and replaced with a 10x STANAG, 10x AK, 10x AKM ammo box The "Map" no longer spawns by its lonesome, but with other general loot around it just like all of the other tools. GPS removed from military loot (only spawns in barracks/heli crashes now) Ghillie/Cammo removed from residential loot (only spawns in military/barracks/heli crashes now) Assorted loot piles now spawn with 1 less item (3 instead of 5). [ Helicopter Crash Changes ] Helicopter crashes no longer spawn instantaneously on server start. They are randomly spawned at random times during the "life" of the server (the time until its next automated restart). This means nobody can instantly farm them if they play during restart hours, and there is no period in time that is more advantageous than another to look for them. I won't reveal the specifics of how this works and how many helis per life cycle spawn. Helicopter crashes now spawn 3-4 loot piles each versus the 4-7 in vanilla DayZ. Helicopter crash smoke removed (made it way too easy to spot them) "Good Heli Crash Loot" is more rare, with military/medical supplies/ammo boxes being a bit more common. Rangefinders, GPS, M4A1 Holo, M16A4 ACOG, AK107 PSO, and M24 added to loot table. [ Weapon Spawn Changes ] All weapons now spawn with 1-2 mags instead of 0-3 in vanilla. Helicopter crash weapons are an exception and always spawn with 2-3 mags. All sniper rifles removed EXCEPT for the CZ550 and the M24. The CZ550 now only spawns in Deer Stands and the M24 only with helicopter crashes. Both are very rare. Ammo for these rifles does NOT spawn organically in the game and you only get what you find with the gun itself. All silenced weapons removed EXCEPT for the M9 SD and MP5 SD. Both spawn only at helicopter crashes. Both are very rare. Ammo for these weapons does NOT spawn organically in the game and you only get what you find with the gun itself. One LMG removed (M240), the rest (Mk48 Mod 0 and M249) now only spawn at helicopter crashes. Ammo for these guns does NOT spawn organically in the game and you only get what you find with the gun itself. Some rifles just flat out removed: FN FAL AN/PVS-4 and L85A2 AWS Added one rifle: AKS 107 PSO (the closest analog I can explain it as would be like the AK version of the M16A4 ACOG) All weapons with optics moved to Barracks and/or Heli Crash loot only. For regular military spawns, you will only ever get iron sight rifles. This means the M4A1 CCO, M4A3 CCO, and AKS 74 Kobra are now barracks only loot. Lee Enfield and Winchester removed from residential loot. Farm Only. M136 replaced with RPG7V [ Zombies Changes ] Zombie density should be slightly higher and therefore cause zombies to become that much more of a nuisance more quickly. Zombies will still spawn even if you're in a vehicle. [ Vehicle Changes ] Getting in or out of a vehicle auto-saves everything about it Adjusting gear contents of a vehicle or tent auto-saves it (Prevents duping) Vehicles now save upon taking damage and take proper damage (no insta-repair on getting out/in; some situations still need fixing though) Ability to flip vehicles right side up When repairing a vehicle, the selectable parts in the action menu to repair are now limited to parts that actually have at least 1 point of damage. Pristine (100% health) parts will not show up. A toolbox is now required to repair any vehicle. As a result, toolboxes are slightly more common. The intent is just to make sure you have to go look for a toolbox. It's not intended to bottleneck things and make toolboxes the NVGs of vehicles. [ New Vehicles] MH-6J (non-combat 6-seater littlebird; flares removed since they can destroy buildings (what the heck, arma?)) HMMWV Ambulance added. The closest analog to it would be a UAZ. Vodnik MedEvac added. The closest analog is an armored Ural/V3S that's amphibious. 1 per server. Old Moto added. Identical to the existing motorcycles, just looks different. GAZ Limo. Identical to the existing GAZ, just has a snazzy black paint job. HMMWV added. [ Miscellaneous ] Switching skins now properly remembers your chosen weapon vs. switching to the first 'weapon' item you ever obtained Picking up a "weapon" form of a crowbar/axe no longer switches you to the first 'weapon' item you ever obtained Debug Menu removed entirely from game. Not even a toggle. Disabled automatic player body cleanup (will leave this to scheduled restarts to give players a chance to get their stuff) Welcome to the official server http://forums.dayzredux.com/
  2. Vethos updated spawn technology: US1: 129 vehicles (including 43 bicycles) EU1: 130 vehicles (41 of which bicycles) EU2: 120 vehicles (of which 37 bikes) This shows the maximum value engineering course will be 2 times less, but 13 bikes will spavnyatsya guaranteed. Respawn point equipment increased from 92 to 504. If during the time of the session broken equipment is not found or does not interact with it, then after a restart, it will be destroyed. New vehicles: -3 Datsun pickup -3 Hilux pickup in different colors - Kamaz with open and closed body - Ural raznyx colors - V3S raznyx colors - Land Rover raznyx colors - SUV
  3. Name: Stalker, location: Russia,GUID:6af7a23d6d66dc5401d865e270d17736
  4. Day Z Redux И так, вашему внимаю хочу представить зарубежный сервер с пользовательским модом на Day Z, и называется он Day Z Redux (бывший Day Z DIAF). http://forums.dayzredux.com/
  5. So, you want to introduce foreign heed server with a user mod to Day Z, and it's called Day Z Redux (formerly Day Z DIAF). http://forums.dayzredux.com/