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Everything posted by zenorc123

  1. "Welcome to St. John's Dairy Farm"
  2. zenorc123

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Yeah, sorry, forgot the M. I know it won't be fun but can I at least play it in its lowest settings? :/
  3. zenorc123

    Drink disinfectant....why?

    or hungry or tired or sick..
  4. zenorc123

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Laptop Monitor Resolution: 1280x720 (could go up to 1366x768) CPU: Intel Core i3-3120M @ 2.50 GHz GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7670HD RAM: 4 GB DDR3 SSD: No Getting DayZ in a few days...
  5. *slow claps* You guys are getting something for $30. Something that will keep on improving and ultimately may become one of the games that will redefine MMO genre.. and you only spent 30$. What're you waiting for?
  6. zenorc123

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    When I saw this vid a while ago, I was surprised at how deep Rocket is going just to ensure DayZ will give us the entertainment that we want. I want to salute Sir Rocket for all this hardwork he is putting on DayZ and to all his staff too!
  7. What's the release price for the Standalone?
  8. zenorc123

    Holding up players

    If I would be the one you'd cross paths with someday in DayZ, I'd go down fighting. I don't want being ordered by complete strangers. There's this stubborn thing called pride.
  9. This. I thought we're talking about Chernarus here. >.< Congratulations to you then.
  10. I thought you guys were jumpstarting the vehicle.
  11. Sorry but I don't trust anything that didn't actually come from Rocket's mouth himself.
  12. I haven't played DayZ yet but I'm hoping for that awesome feeling when you have somebody's life on your trigger finger and it all depends on you if you die or live another day.
  13. I love this kind of things where players make up their own story, beans for you sir!
  14. zenorc123

    Playing at night

    If my memory servers me right, Rocket wants the game to be hard and to provide players with less ease in playing it.
  15. zenorc123

    Acceptable age to play?

    This is the very reason I'm paranoid of speaking into a mic, you'll never know if you're voice is annoying if you never heard it on a recorder. I think I would go for anyone as long as they're mature enough to think or act seriously ingame.
  16. zenorc123

    How good is your Russian?

    This. Only Russian words I know are Da and Nyet but I am interested to learn more. I don't think I even spelled those correctly.
  17. zenorc123

    Public character finally died, day 164.

    Doesn't it get boring for you to live for that many days? Doing your daily routine then doing who knows what? I'm just curious as I've never played DayZ before.
  18. zenorc123

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    After 128 DayZ in jail, they're now finally free! They paid bail and is now returning home! Welcome back Ivan and Martin! http://www.helpivanmartin.org/2013/01/ivan-martin-free-on-bail/
  19. zenorc123

    Day Z Key - read it all

    If friends are like that, who needs enemies?
  20. Those places can be a temporary place of rest for those who can't venture out at night as they have no NVGs. You might even find a body inside on of those buildings as some firefights usually takes place if somebody is cornered and they have no choice but to go out guns blazing.
  21. Sir Rocket and team, have you removed the clunkiness yet?
  22. zenorc123

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Well, I already did that but it still didn't interest me that much but thank you for the interview, I am sure this is very informative. :D EDIT: just saw sir Smasht_AU's written version of the interview, thank you Sir. :)
  23. zenorc123

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    God, I didn't expect Sir 'Lok's voice to be that beautiful! Unfortunately, I don't have that much attention span to listen to stuff, sorry sir Griff but I appreciate the interview. Can anybody tell me what's in it? P.S. I watched the vid up until the humanity system.
  24. *currently shaking in his seat*