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Everything posted by tansien

  1. It's not as obvious today as it was during the mod days. No parachuting target-seeking exploding cows.
  2. tansien

    DayZ SA Security Leak.

    You don't seem to understand. With the source code, they can re-enable scripting if they wanted to. Basically they can do whatever they want, and "file checks" won't stop them. "Alpha". You forget that this game is based on an 18 year old engine. You can still run scripts from Operation Flashpoint in ArmA3. This engine has changed remarkably little over the years if you ignore new models and upgraded graphics...
  3. tansien

    Becoming a hosting provider for SA

    You need to be able to provide 300 server instances (Max of 5 instances on a Xeon 1270v2 /w 8GB of RAM means you need 60 dedicated servers) out of your own pocket for 60 days. You are also supposed to provide 1 public free instance for every 3 you rent out.
  4. And lets face it, EA isen't exactly a rolemodel in the gaming community. Perhaps DayZ should start adapting other ideas that EA rolls with, like microtransactions and day one DLC..?
  5. Name one other game that does not allow server admins to kick whoever they want, whenever they want from the server they are paying for..?
  6. Send EVERYONE an email about EVERY server..? That's the most stupid advice you could ever give because it means 4/5 emails their supports receive is invalid. Nobody on their tech support is gonna bother reading angry dayz nerd emails, especially if 4/5 does not even concern their shit.
  7. tansien

    Bohemia Hosted Servers

    Engine would need fundamental rewrite. On top of that, they'd be doing it so they'd have to pay for the servers themselves. Not going to happen.
  8. tansien

    Remove Payday Masks from Game

    Remove them, they don't fit.
  9. tansien

    Hordes of zombies

    Actually he did, nobody bothered to read it though. As for roaming hordes, server can't even handle 750 static zombies so it's gonna be "a while" before anything like this becomes possible.
  10. tansien

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    Well it just means we'll have to continue renting servers for $70/instance a month instead of running 4 instances on a single dedi server for way less.
  11. tansien

    Rubberbanding issue - cause found

    Aren't you a cutie-pie! God, you're going to be so depressed when you unpack "DayZ\Addons\server_data.pbo" and open up "server_data\scripts\fsm\server_taskmanager.fsm"
  12. tansien

    incentive not to kill everyone you find

    The consequences of shooting someone should be the horde of angry zombies coming to eat you after the ruckus you've made. But we don't have any zombies...
  13. Or maybe he made the mod in ArmA because that's what he knows, and maybe they picked Real Virtuality because Bohemia let them use the engine while CryTek wanted 1.5 million? Also, I don't think Bohemia pays enough for either of those guys. Eastern europe guys, eastern europe.
  14. tansien

    Fix for AMD FX-8350?

    I wouldn't say TWICE the performance per core and lower power usage is "insignificant". In this engine, that performance really means a whole lot of FPS. AMD just does not have the single-thread juice to match Intel. Check out http://www.cpubenchmark.net/singleThread.html for example. You have to scroll down a depressingly long way before you find your first AMD.
  15. tansien

    Fix for AMD FX-8350?

    Yep, the scripting engine in Real Virtuality is horrible, basically a glorified string parser from 1992... Frostbite was written from the scratch with multi-core support in mind though. It's 10 years younger than RV is. I'm sure Bohemia have all the intentions to properly multi-thread the engine, perhaps some of all the money they've made on SA can be used to accomplish that goal.
  16. tansien

    Fix for AMD FX-8350?

    The fix to your bad frame rate is to throw your AMD CPU out and buy an Intel one. Works 100% of the time. There is no multithreading in this game, and AMD comes nowhere close to later generation Intel CPUs in terms of single-core performance.
  17. tansien

    Anti Spam-Bot Bot

    They also allow you to upload binary files (programs) so there's probably a few steam account grabbers and trojan horses uploaded too.
  18. tansien

    Increase grass distance?

    It's hardcoded.
  19. tansien

    Tips For Gearing Up?

    Just find your nearest military base and start server hopping bro. It's all the rage.
  20. tansien

    Can someone explain these terms

    It's basically like the different realms of World of Warcraft. The "public" hive is one realm, while the "private" ones are different realms. You have different characters on the different realms/hives.
  21. This is the DayZMod suggestions forum.
  22. tansien

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Why have one anticheat when you can have two? BattlEye is better integrated than VAC, especially for keeping track of SQF code being executed clientside.
  23. tansien

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    No third person.
  24. tansien

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Content-wise DayZ may be an alpha, but this is a 15 year old engine, and it's always been shit at garbage handling.