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Everything posted by tansien

  1. tansien

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    It's not just the bodies. There is a reason why loot and zombies don't respawn right now (Real Virtuality being shit at object handling). Dev team should have spent more time fixing actual, serious flaws in the engine instead of adding "features" like the ingame map now coming in 10 parts and "lick battery".
  2. tansien

    Only 40 players ?

    Servers are stable at 60/80/100/120 players. Just oversold shitty hardware.
  3. tansien

    DayZ SA Create Server

    I don't think GamingDeluxe is an official hoster. fragnet.net is tho.
  4. tansien

    This game will only be a niche .....

    OP has a few good points. A clear example I can think off is splitting up/dividing the map. It makes me sad to think about, how much time did they spend on that? We all know Chernarus since the mod, and there is always DayZDB. Could they not have used this time to work on more advanced "endgame" gameplay..? Also, if you make it too complicated or hard to survive, for example by making it very hard to cure diseases, it's just easier to drop your loot somewhere and respawn.
  5. tansien

    RCON dayz SA

    If I had done overtime at work instead of running servers or coding on DayZero, I could have bought a Audi R8 in cash. Yes, I actually did the math, taxes and everything...
  6. tansien

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    No need to even discuss this right now, until private hives are allowed nobody can or will be banned. "PRIVATE HIVES WAS WHAT RUINED THE MOD" - reddit Thank you for that.
  7. tansien

    Server files?

    There is no database connection which means no characters gets saved.
  8. tansien

    Food/Drink Running Out on Servers

    Not after 3 hours on a populated server.. Anyways, I'm sure it will be fixed soon - until then just swap to a freshly restarted server.
  9. tansien

    dayz evolution in SA: [1] the loot system

    Do keep in mind that in SA loot will be serverside-generated, which will solve many of the issues that DayZ currently suffers from when it comes to loot farming. The transition from having a few "loot piles" in every building to spreading it out more evenly will also help, but I mean, if you've ever spent any time in any MMO, you know that eventually people will find a way...
  10. tansien

    Standalone balance and snipers

    Considering the setting I very much doubt .50cal rifles will be commonplace, if even in the game. In fact I think finding something that we today dont even bother picking up like a common AK74 or a M16 will be a rare and treasured moment in SA.
  11. tansien

    Day Zero

    Well, technically I think we may just be the oldest mod for DayZ, with the first version deployed in September... But ehrm, yes we do use a newer beta patch than currently on DayZ Commander. You still need to register on our forums though, as we have whitelist requirements on all the servers.
  12. At the most awesome festival at the world... 7 Teams 14 Players. 1000 Euro Grand Prize. Only one can win! LIVE NOW AT http://www.twitch.tv/sacriel
  13. Sacriel is CASTING, he' not playing himself. None of these players are "famous", they're all regular attendees.
  14. You can also use the windows scheduler to run the backup, ofc.
  15. You guys who've had this issue should be sorted now!
  16. Most def, what you're doing is a horrible way of backing stuff up. Basically, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysqldump.html is what you want to use. It's very easy to set up, and just schedule it for every 30 minutes or what time you want.
  17. tansien

    No IronSights, No Shooting Glitch

    Basically you're stuck in an "illegal animation" which is what is causing this on login, dropping the weapons, or swapping between your primary/secondary will solve it.
  18. tansien

    Buildings spawning Randomly

    It's dem evil hackers. RUN AWAAAY!
  19. As rajkosto said, both. If you're using anti-rocket I really recommend switching to this.
  20. tansien

    Profile Reset! Rage!!

    Of about 1 million alive characters, only ~50000 had hacked weapons. I'm sure alot of those were banned hackers aswell, ie, characters that will never be played on again because of global ban.
  21. This is what SE9, 10 has been running for the last few months. It is an _AWESOME_ HiveEXT.dll, and I really recommend you give it a try if you're setting up a private server or are using the old antirocket builds. Compared to Bliss, this hive is mature and known for it stability and lack of bugs.
  22. tansien

    SE 9 - Cheater

    Both of these guys have been banned. The one from yesterday is permabanned from ALL DayZ servers. This guy, who went by the nickname | will be globally banned aswell.
  23. The issue with DayZ is not number of processors, RAM or disks, but rather CPU power. A single quad-core CPU (As fast as possible! 3+ GHz, with turbo boost) with 8GB RAM will be able to host 2x50 slot DayZ servers and DoD/TS You also only really need 1 IP, so don't pay extra for more! :)