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Nikolai B.

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Everything posted by Nikolai B.

  1. Nikolai B.

    Need a Few players for our Group!

    added. what server?
  2. Nikolai B.

    Squad up?

    im a CQBer looking for team action. Euro timezone though.
  3. I am not a server owner, but back in this happened to us on DE 376. Each time the server restarted, all inventories of vehicles and tents were emptied.
  4. Nikolai B.

    Do people go out of THEIR way to kill new players?

    Ok, here goes... An unarmed player can be a threat. Me and a friend were in the Balota Airfield tower, arming up, and 2 unarmed guys came in. I was going to shoot them, but my friend convinced me not to. They were talking to each other using direct chat and dragged a huge bunch of zombies towards us. We just sort of stayed put and let them see theres no loot left, and hoped they'd leave. Then, we saw 2 more survivors approaching the airfield. Armed. Of course, once close enough, they heard the two unarmed guys talking no direct, and thus alerted them to presence in the tower. The end of the story is not nice. The final pair that arrived killed us all. So... Unarmed doesn't mean no threat. Besides, what if he was to steal a gun from your backpack, or even find a guy near you and shoot you dead? This game induces paranoia. One of the results is paranoid killings. Dont trust anyone who isn't on TS / Mumble / Skype with you.