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About ShizukaSama

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    On the Coast
  1. This game in the choice of gears lacks of realism, and this issue transformed this game from a survival zombie game in a pretty stupid free for all for COD kids. How to start to fix it? I would start deleting some gears, or changing the way you can get them. First of all, Ghillie suit....someone can tell me why a Ghillie suit has such availability and why it has to exist in a zombie survival game? Add a gear like this, that everyone can find (I had hundreds of that crap) its like to say "hide and ambush the people going to loot". Surely this does not encourage cooperative game. In the real world there are the airsoft players who has a cheap version purchased from ebay, or military just craft it. So, my suggestion is: Ghillie suit should be a crafted item, not easy to find parts, and binded to the one character. Then, I dont like the choice of weapons. Antimaterial rifles like the AS50 and the M107 are first of all not commonly available, and I find more AS50 than AKM in that world. Kids like these because bullet trajectory is flat and they have to not bother with adjustment in elevation. This encourages the easy pvp. Also, these kind of rifles are very uncommon, and are very very heavy and big. You shoot a .50 PRONED, not standing up or crouched. In dayz you aim and rapid fire from any position, aim and run like it is an m16. We want realism? Lets start getting rid of such bullshits. My suggestions are: When you aim with a .50 not proned aim should not be steady, and the recoil should make you lose completly the target. Also it should need a setup time from the deploy to the first shoot proned, and the weight should be a penality too. I suggest to not let it use with a backpack, just like the rocket launcher. If you want to use such a weapon, drive your vehicle, take from it, deploy it and use it....this is how it should be. If its too difficoult to do do this, just delete .50 rifles from the game.
  2. ShizukaSama

    How about a Kill Cam?

    Go to play shitty cod. btw this is supposed to be a survival game, not a free for all
  3. I will just delete the AS50 from the game. First, its a weapon for kids that wants to aim the cross centre and shoot like COD. A .50 caliber allows to do this for longer distance than a common 7.62 NATO, and since kinds dont want to bother with ballistic table that kind of rifle is popular. Second, how many of you think to find such a rifle in the real world? The official dealer of Accuracy International in UK needs months to get one, I know because I asked about it. But I wonder why in a shitty russian region every tent I see has one or more inside. Spawn with a AS50 is stupid, but not less than put it in a zombie apocalipse.
  4. ShizukaSama

    Reporting a cheater

    Maybe because HERE we report cheaters? If you dont like, just go in another forum. Anywhere you go, read the thread name before post something, you will look smarter.