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About violentnava@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. violentnava@gmail.com

    Traders and Traitors

    noobsmcgee +1 Had a great trading exp.
  2. violentnava@gmail.com

    WTT LF SD rifle

    +1 for a great trading exp.
  3. violentnava@gmail.com

    WTT LF SD rifle

  4. violentnava@gmail.com

    WTT LF SD rifle

    I I have an m16a2 acog. I just picked it up in the NWAF. Its got 3 mags.
  5. violentnava@gmail.com

    WTT LF SD rifle

    Apples to oranges. BTT: Anyone have a m4a1 cco sd they are willing to part with?
  6. violentnava@gmail.com

    WTT LF SD rifle

    Pretty sure it was never legit. Either way, its not legit anymore, much like the as50-tws, so I dont have one.
  7. violentnava@gmail.com

    WTT LF SD rifle

    Radio isnt a legit toolbelt item, so unfortunately I dont have one of those.
  8. violentnava@gmail.com

    WTT LF SD rifle

    Im looking for something like the m4a1 cco sd. They dont have any other high damage silenced weapons, like the m4a3 so that will be the only one I can choose for now. Ive got a bizon which is great for taking out zombies, but just as effective at taking out players as a pistol T_T Like I said before, Ive got a full toolbelt and some other knick-knacks in my bag I can part with for one of those.
  9. violentnava@gmail.com Debug .. Bug

    Temporary fix follows. Switch to debug menu, apply exit menu. Then open menu again and cycle back through to debug again and it fixes itself. You might be able to just set it then cycle and set again. works for me everytime I do that as I noticed this bug as well. Its still better than tents and vehicles not saving. EDIT: Ahh! He ninja'd me :P
  10. violentnava@gmail.com

    WTT LF SD rifle

    Ive been on the hunt for an SD rifle. I have a ton of mags, but the only ones ive managed to recover are either illegal weapons (which i bury with whoever they were on) or hadnt any mags at the time and no room to take it while I scavenged more. Ive just about anything you can need from the toolbelt, and I have a few precious AS50 NATO mags I can share. Post som offers and ill tell you if I can oblige, and will pm you where to meet up.
  11. violentnava@gmail.com

    Not sure if this is a bug.

    Im pretty sure there was no mention of any of the blacklisted weapons being added in for this patch. So this kind of concerns me. I just took a trip to balota after signing into my server, and there is a G36C sd with one mag in the ATC tower... I know this isnt in the game, could it have somehow spawned by a bug with the new patch? I understand the logical answer is a hacker spawned it then dropped it, but dropped their hacked weapon for something else? Sounds unlikely at best. Any thoughts?
  12. violentnava@gmail.com

    US - 2725

    I said mostly free! Ive only had one thunder dome on my server, so I like to think im doing pretty well. (Well, only one tdome while ive been playing on it. :D) But as I stated, ill be more than happy to help you get your gear back, other player that frequent my server will tell you im more than happy to give up my pack and/or guns to help get them on their way, and away from any snipers that may be in cherno/elektro. Again sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope to see you in-game :D
  13. violentnava@gmail.com

    US - 2725

    How long ago did this happen? Did you happen to get a glimpse of his name perhaps? Any more information would be awesome, but I will certainly look into it. I try to keep it as clean as possible, but I cant be on the logs al day like I wish I could. Sorry he inconvenienced you though, if I see you in game, ill be sure to lend you a helping hand! ^.^
  14. violentnava@gmail.com

    Hackers getting smart - MedBox Now having weapons

    How does one plot the coords from the logs onto the DayZ map, I may need to start doing this.
  15. violentnava@gmail.com

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Ok, I dont have the logs as im not home atm, but ive been getting something to this effect in my logs. beeeh = this mysheep = this I have a few entries a long those lines, using nothing but those 2 exact codes, they show up in my createvehicle.log. Any idea what these are? I feel like they might be stealth code executions. EDIT: OK, so here are some examples. There has to be something going on here, as it happening very frequently, and im noticing more and more heli crashes before restarts. Must be a new method of spawning vehicles. 05.09.2012 21:27:50: player (ip) guid - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;" 05.09.2012 21:28:00: player (ip) guid - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;" 05.09.2012 21:28:03: player (ip) guid - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;" 05.09.2012 21:28:06: player (ip) guid - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;" 05.09.2012 21:28:07: player (ip) guid - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;" 05.09.2012 21:28:10: player (ip) guid - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;" 05.09.2012 21:28:35: player (ip) guid - #0 "beeeh = this" 05.09.2012 21:53:15: player (ip) guid - #0 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 05.09.2012 21:53:20: player (ip) guid - #0 "[this, 8.34463, 21965.1]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" 05.09.2012 21:53:24: player (ip) guid - #0 "[this, 8.34463, 21965.1,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" Considering that [this] is called for in the crash, I believe that the above * = this is referring to spawning a heli by some means. Thoughts?