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Everything posted by DoomsdayClock

  1. I used to be heaps pro-friendly and against KoS. I'd rather make friends and help people out than start shooting people dead without reason. But the amount of times that I've been killed for saying friendly or giving someone the benefit of the doubt is just getting ridiculous. I've tried my hand at making friends and avoiding the KoS mentality, but I'm at a point now where I've started killing other players on sight to survive. I'll kill bandits but mostly I'll just kill anyone that I deem to be a threat, so I'll basically shoot anyone provided they're armed, unless they give me a reason to otherwise think they won't shoot me. When I say that, I don't go actively seeking out people to kill. I don't run through the coastal cities killing players for the fun of it. And if I see another player ahead and they haven't seen me, I'll usually just try to avoid them. But if I see someone headed my way with a gun, then I'll shoot them. Example: today in Cherno, there was some new spawn running around with a massive zombie train. I was feeling friendly so I shot a few of the zombies with my M1014 and took the train off him then offered to give him a blood transfusion. Instead, he ran into the fire station, grabbed an AKM and came back out and shot me. Not even so much as a thank you. I had heaps of chances to shoot him but opted to help him instead, and I got killed for it. I'm aware that there are plenty of players who would have been grateful for the help, but I've had far too many encounters where I've tried to help someone and been shot in the back for the effort. The hard truth about DayZ is that 90% of the players are jerks who would rather shoot you for their own safety, and on the off chance that you have a slightly better gun or some beans rather than interact with you. And I guess I'm one of them now too. But 'eh, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
  2. DoomsdayClock

    Non-lethal weapons?

    Yeah I heaps like this idea. Maybe you can find different poisons/sedatives and use crafting to combine them with crossbow arrows or a dart gun or something. Tranquilizer guns aren't too far fetched either though, animal control and such use them so I don't think it would be a heaps big stretch to find them sparingly around Chernarus. I also really love the idea of being able to tamper with food. Could you imagine finding someone's tent in the woods and just poisoning all of their food, just to be a dick? I don't mind the idea of tazers either. It might be unrealistic but then again, so is finding military grade weaponry in a fire station :P Just make them rare or something. And like already suggested, non lethal rounds for weapons like bean bag rounds or rubber pellets or maybe rock salt for shotguns. I also like the idea of smoke grenades with knock-out gas or something along those lines. It would be kind of neat if a blunt melee weapon (i.e. baseball bat) has a chance of knocking out another player rather than straight up killing them. I think being able to just knock out other players might encourage people to just subdue other players rather than go with the kill on sight method.
  3. DoomsdayClock


    Yah, I think the game is better off without them. When they were in the game, every Johnny Two-Shoes seemed to have an AS50 or they were looking for one. Really kind of think most of the snipers should just be removed from the game. Maybe leave one military sniper rifle and the CZ550 or something.
  4. DoomsdayClock

    DayZ Community afraid of the Dark?

    Just about every server I've played on starts you off with road flares at least, and it's usually not completely pitch black. There's often enough light for you to make out buildings and whatnot. Finding more flares, chemlights and a flashlight wouldn't actually be that much of a challenge.
  5. DoomsdayClock

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    I'd prefer it if Rocket spent years developing the standalone rather than rushing out a buggy, glitchy, incomplete game to meet the expectations of impatient gamers. The current mod works just fine until the SA comes out.
  6. DoomsdayClock


    That's brutal :( I once gave someone a ride to the next town on my motorbike. We got shot at by bandits and he claimed that he was hit and asked if we could stop so he could bandage himself. I pulled over a safe distance up the road, he got off the bike, shot me in the face and made off with the bike. Don't trust anyone!
  7. DoomsdayClock

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    So far enjoying it, love the new look of the interface and inventory. Love the spawn selection as well! Just did a run through of Cherno, noticed a lot of new items I hadn't seen before like antibacterial wipes and a bunch of a new types of food and drink. Noticed much less weapon and ammo spawns though too. Yet to be infected. So far so good!
  8. DoomsdayClock

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    Awesome stuff!
  9. DoomsdayClock

    My camp has been found

    Yah, I'd move it just to be on the safe side. If they die they might just decide to hit your camp when you respawn. Also never know if they've told friends about it or whatever. Moving it sounds like a good idea.
  10. DoomsdayClock

    DayZ Community afraid of the Dark?

    I totally agree with the OP, in fact was thinking about making a similar thread. I don't know why people hate on night time so much, it's still completely playable. In fact I find it to be more fun and challenging, especially on those pitch black nights where you can't see directly in front of you. It brings chemlights, flares and flashlights into play and makes it heaps riskier/more fun. It's a complete game changer. Also, zeds can see fuck all and it's hella easy to lose them if you do aggro them. Another handy thing is a lack of snipers and griefers at night time. A friend and I were playing in Elektro when it was pitch black, there were flares and chemlights being hurled everywhere and some bandit kept trying to shoot people with an AK from the firetower, but he could see shit all unless you were walking straight through a flare. It's just fun, people should give it more of a chance. I just find 24/7 daylight servers to be boring.
  11. DoomsdayClock

    Done with Dayz?

    It's definitely worthwhile for you to just buy Arma 2 and download the mod. I'm not sure when the SA will be out but I don't think Arma 2 is heaps expensive at the moment. It's definitely worth getting.
  12. DoomsdayClock

    Tell Me Ur Favorite Weapon In Dayz?

    Most fun I've had with a gun was with the IR assault rife (L85 I think?). But typically early on I like to have an M1911 and a Lee Enfield. Later on I'll basically take any assault rifle for a main weapon and an M9SD if I can find it. Definitely handy to have a silenced weapon. Really though, it depends on if I'm playing to defend myself from bandits or to kill zombies.
  13. DoomsdayClock

    I'm screwed

    But... you were going to kill him on sight with the tank in the first place. How is him killing you with the tank any different than you killing him with it? Man up and take it on the chin next time, combat logging is for little girls. This game isn't for you.
  14. Yeah, what Hetstaine said. DayZ's about making your own fun, give yourself some objectives to do, like fix up a vehicle, make a bigger camp or maybe load up on medical supplies and help out people on the coast or something. Don't be afraid to die, starting over again is half the fun :P
  15. Once in the power station outside Elektro, I bumped into a guy with a Ghillie Suit. I was a fresh spawn and had no weapons or means of defending myself, so I figured I was pretty much dead. But it turns out he'd just been in a pretty brutal firefight and was losing tons of blood and didn't have any bandages. He said all he had was a blood bag and asked if I could bandage him and use his blood bag to give him a transfusion. I told him I was all out of bandages (I actually had two in my inventory) but told him I'd give him a transfusion. He dropped the blood bag on the ground and asked me to hurry because he was at 2400 blood. I picked it up, then in what was far from my finest hour, I ran off with the blood bag. He shouted some profanities through direct chat and shot at me with his Bizon, but luckily he fainted before he could kill me. I used one of my bandages to patch myself up then waited for him to bleed out while he abused the hell out of me in side chat. Once he was dead, I went back and looted his corpse. Got myself very nicely geared up. Even though I technically didn't kill him, I still totally screwed him over so I feel kind of bad about it. But in retrospect, if I gave him the blood transfusion then there was a good chance that he might've just killed me afterwards for all I know, so I probably made the right call.
  16. DoomsdayClock

    my favourite building

    Definitely the supermarkets, especially early on. They have every kind of supply that you need. Easiest way to get geared up in one location.
  17. DoomsdayClock

    Does anyone even remember what DayZ is?

    Completely agree with this. I remember actually feeling attached to my shitty gear that consisted of an AKM and an M1911 because I actually had to go scavenging to find them myself, as well as the ammo that went with them. Nowadays I join a server and I start with everything that I'll ever need for ages. I also remember me and my friend putting in a ton of effort to fix up a jeep the first time we found one. Nowadays any Johnny Two-Shoes can join a game and find a vehicle and military weapons immediately. If I wanted to play a death match game I'd play Battlefield or CoD.
  18. DoomsdayClock

    DayZ "Vanilla" Servers

    Good question, I've been finding these scarce myself so I'd be interested to see any vanilla ones around the Au/NZ servers. Really feel like the servers that are filled to the brim with vehicles, rare weapons and are daylight 24/7 kind of defeat the purpose of the game imo.
  19. Eh, I think people should just be patient. The same people that are whinging now about broken deadlines and release dates are the same people that would whinge about the quality of the game if it were to be rushed out before it's ready.
  20. DoomsdayClock

    What's your best kill in Day Z?

    Two bandits had killed my friend in the ATC Tower in the NW Airfield and told me through direct chat that they'd shoot me if I came inside. So I planted a satchel charge on the building and blew them both to pieces. It was awesome.
  21. No. My interest might have waned a bit since I started playing, and I often take long breaks from DayZ, but I'm still excited for the standalone. Two of my friends who used to be hardcore DayZ players who stopped playing a few months ago, still follow the development of the standalone, and rest assured they will buy the SA on it's release day as well. People will be throwing money at their computer screens the day the standalone comes out, regardless if they've been keeping up with the mod or not.
  22. DoomsdayClock

    Tell me your stupidest death stories...

    I was in Stary Sobor once, quite nicely geared from a successful raid of the military tents. With an M4A1 and a G17, I decided to search the rest of the town. Not wanting to aggro zombies, I proned my way around the place. Started to prone into a house, CRACK, broke my legs crawling through the doorway. I had no morphine whatsoever, and thus began my several hour journey to the coast. And typically, before crawling out of Stary, I forgot to get food and drink, so I died of thirst whilst crawling to Berezino.
  23. DoomsdayClock

    Pro Tips Please

    With gear, I always carry my best stuff on me. Everything else, I leave in a tent. But never get attached to your gear. Doesn't matter how good of a hiding place you might have for your camp, it'll probably get raided soon enough. That's why I carry my best stuff and leave the rest at camp. With firefights, just becareful. When you go to highly populated places (i.e. Cherno, Elektro, NWAF etc.) you should always be ready to shoot. Always make sure that you have ammo in your gun and that it's ready to fire. Make sure you have the right fire mode on as well. I've gone to shoot a bandit, but instead thrown a chemlight at him by accident one too many times because I wasn't paying attention to what my fire setting was on. Shoot from places where you have cover. If you walk out into the middle of a road or a field, you're a sitting duck, especially if you're against more than one enemy. Use buildings, cars, trees as cover. If you have a weaker gun, try to go for a headshot as best as you can, rather than using all of your ammo on body shots. Also, treat your gun as a last resort when dealing with zombies. It's common sense, but so many players (both new and experienced) still shoot zombies straight away. For one thing, you're aggroing all the zombies in the area by doing that, which in itself draws attention to you. And secondly, like someone else said, you're alerting everyone else in the area to your presence. And a lot of people, bandits in particular, like to move towards the sound of the gunshots. So firing a gun in a town or city when you don't need to is basically asking for trouble.
  24. DoomsdayClock

    A Range Of Behavior

    Yeah like everyone else said, everyone's got different playing styles. And everyone likes to try something different out from time to time. I'm usually a friendly, but every so often I just get sick of being stabbed in the back so I switch to a "KoS" method of play. No reason why someone who plays more as a bandit wouldn't want to see what it's like to partner up with a stranger every so often. But then it could have been a whole host of reasons. It sounds like you were considerably better geared, perhaps he was too timid that he wouldn't have been able to get a kill shot on you. Would've been a bit risky. Plus, he said he was new to Taviana. Perhaps he wanted a guide for a little bit to give him some advice on the locations and show him around the joint first. Who knows though, really? DayZ brings out some strange behaviour in people.
  25. DoomsdayClock

    Crossbow kills?

    I've only had one kill with the crossbow. I had fairly recently spawned. All I had in terms of weapons were a crossbow and an M1911, but I didn't have any ammo for the sidearm. I had two bolts for my crossbow. I went to meet up with a friend of mine in the treeline outside of Cherno, but when I got there, I found that he'd been killed by a bandit. Said bandit was crouched over him, looting my friend's corpse. Having the jump on him, I got in as close as I could and fired a bolt right into his head. It was pretty awesome.