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About narmoon

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    On the Coast
  1. he cant give proof because there is none, also the fact about immature and idiotic garbage is coming out of people that dont know how to properly handle a retard like the one that started this post.
  2. you also forgot the part where we had tuns of fun with flares
  3. btw an idea, dont bring your own little personal hate for someone into a thread thats hating on towelliee, it dosent get you anywhere.
  4. ok first things first, do you have any proof that towelliee actually hacked anything at all? 2nd thing. the rules of DayZ dont say "you will be banned if you interact with hackers", if you dont do any hacking you havent done anything wrong............ last thing, people are warned time after time that if they dont want to die from hackers or if they have good loot not to come to US 717 fat farm because you will likely get killed by hackers.