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About sgtsnug

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  1. T.T I wanna plaaaaay....
  2. New Discovery... This is NOT DayZ Specific, I just tried a normal Arma 2 Game and received the same error...
  3. sgtsnug

    Sticky notes, infected animals and more!

    -Sticky notes/Posters Planned for release already - Diary -Infected animals I'd love more wildlife, I believe its also planned for release or along lines -Something that Zombies drop? They already drop food, water, ammo, if loot drops became more scarce, that would encourage players to loot zombies instead. -Currency (Hear me out on this one) No. its the apocalypse, any 'trading' would be done in game by players and always carry the risk of double crossing or bandit raids, items for items not money. -Wallet perhaps simply as a form of ID when checking bodies, to know their name. Nothing more. -Spray can? It'd likely cause issues given the server would have to save the markings made, that and...penises n tits everywhere. -Tape. I'd imagine tape would be used plentifully in the crafting designs they want to implement. As for binding other players, only if they added non lethal weapons like tazers. -More Teamwork aspects I made a suggestion on another thread about a teamwork boosting idea. Limiting players utility slots so you have to pick n choose what support items you can carry, such as tool boxes, matches, and so on. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103857-dayz-survivor-class/
  4. Even though it seems BT Home Hubs have an issue with NAT strict/open (an issue mostly interfering with MW3 it seems). I did and tried all the little solutions like disabling UPnP additional security, Disabling Firewall, making correct exceptions in AVG for game, but non of them worked. Issue persists, most people who have fixed their game have found it to be a router/modem issue, thou It's confusing me considering Arma 2 works but DayZ doesn't...surely there isn't much difference in connectivity? or if there is doesn't this narrow things down? a difference between standard arma and dayz that we can look into?
  5. My net is quite stable and not given me issues at all running games such as Planetside 2, I've tried so many things, and searched high and low hundreds of web pages related to this issue but no defined fix. About the only thing I haven't tried that I've found is someone saying to switch NAT to Bridge, but I don't know the implications or methods of doing so, and dare not mess around with it less I know all risks if any involved.
  6. I've had this issue for a good week or two now and It's making my efforts to play DayZ poor at best. When I connect to a server everything goes smoothly as you'd expect, but 1-5 minutes into the game I receive this message "You have been kicked from the server" and no further details. After getting a friend on the same server he confirmed he saw this message "Signature check timed out" when I disconnected. What have I done already? I un-installed ALL Arma 2 content from the PC including registry following a guide this forum linked me to. Then using another guide performed a full install from scratch, then using DayZ Commander installed DayZ and Patched to latest beta files. I've reinstalled Battleye multiple times and confirm all files are up-to-date. I tried copying the checkfilelist from Arma 2 to Arma 2 OA folders. I performed the cache check in steam and ran each game in succession whilst running as admin. I've disabled all firewall software and created a DMZ on my BT Home Hub & opened the Arma 2 Ports. Note: My Connection is reliable, Both Pingtest.net and Speedtest.net gives my connection an A grade. Additional Information I've tried dozens upon dozens of servers and only two I've found work at all, but they both fail to save my gear, return me to spawns each login, deny me access to vehicles, and occasionally even doors and loot. Here are their addresses: Hopefully something about these two servers can shed light as to why I can stay connected whilst I can't on others.
  7. Well this addresses nearly all of the concepts and Ideas that I've ever made toward this game, I may add additional suggestions for your consideration later. For now only one comes to mind, an addition to the generators concept, and that is if you gas up a generator hooked up to the local grid you can power up the local lights for night time. Base building wise hook up lamps connected via a cable so you can light up your pretty little base inside and out as long as the fuel is pumping...electric fences anyone?
  8. Suggestions already planned for standalone release. -all enter-able buildings -findable attachment to edit your gun -different types of helicopters (All too likely, more vehicles mentioned) -usable knifes (Home made/found weapons mentioned by rocket, hand to hand also) -stocking gear in cars requires to dump objects manually into the boot, un-stocking vise versa (Don't we already?) -bieng able to shoot on bike, boats, cars and trucks if you are the passenger. -armoured vans (more vehicles as i said, possibility) -helmets, armour and bullet proof vest stop low calibre bullets (custom clothes mentioned, these are likely, headlamps mentioned) -more gore!!!!! blowing peoples legs off etc.(Not sure about dismemberment but new zombies be gorier) -women able to wear clothing, get sick, feel cold etc. -radios to broadcast to other members in your squad that know the same frequency. -animals with propper AI (starttled by noise and vision of people) -Customisable faces (dimples dirt etc.) -more varieties of camo? Other Suggestions -acceptable loot (having to open drawers and cupboards to find things) (I agree, and possibly it will in standalone, not confirmed) -lockable houses and cars (can be pick locked) (Just posted on a thread about this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41282-lockschains/) -enter-able tents (bigger like the medical tents but roomier) (I agree on this also, more tents big and small) -camo netting (Same as above, to hide vehicles under) -matches have a certain amount of usage (Likely will be part of crafting, Molotov's etc, thou I'd make matches consumable and lighters rarer ones that last longer, that double as a light source, replacing flash light as default [which should use battery]...I'm cruel) -flint and steel (allows you to have more uses than matches by tonnes) (?) -crowbar on tool belts to brake into cars (To break into boot, locked doors, no point getting into car if you don't have car keys...less you can hotwire) -realistic hunger and thirst (you dont need to eat and drink 100 times a day irl) (hunger and thirst to be visual audio cues, rate however is up to rocket) -warm clothes in chernarus! (Warm clothes everywhere! they look awesome) -backpacks carry as much as they look like they should, i.e the alice pack vs czech pack. (they seem fine as they are, i'd add weight and exhaustion like ACE myself, so you may take a lighter bag if you want to run a lot) -appliable camo to backpacks (were getting customisation options, can only hope?) -gradually increase blood ever so slightly (like real life) (Agreed, if your food and drink is full, should regen blood slowly, but get hungry/thirsty faster) -vehicles that don't spawn broken as hell (Deal with it? But I think, more vehicles, less fuel is a good fix) -radiation spikes in certain areas (Map dependant, perhaps a specific scenario for a new map)
  9. sgtsnug


    I had this exact idea myself yesterday as I was wandering around. However I had the additional idea of lock boxes, a storage box you can deploy at your camp and put items into then padlock it for security. Allowing players to lock doors would be only tolerable if they were as rare as say binoculars are currently. As I imagine going into a barracks then getting padlocked inside would really piss you off, but in a way being shot is no different at least it'd be funny and you'd have to talk your way out of it. How to open the lock is debatable, using bullets would be too easy, I'd make it crowbar only or make an addition of bolt cutters. Just make the locks really heavy duty ones, not little ones you'd use to close a gym locker as your reason for bullets and hatchets not working. As for how the person owning the lock opens it, you could make it simply only open for him, or he gets a key, or he needs a combination he can share with others. I think either the key or combination, both require you to make sure the key/combination aren't lost, perhaps if key hidden near what it opens (thou that would require that the key be persistent even when dropped in world) so combination may work best for now. As for the question about what if you locked a door from inside, I'd make it only work from outside, cause it'd be too much a troll thing to lock it from inside and log off so nobody can use that door again.
  10. I believe creating a DMZ bypasses all firewall measures on the hub, so that shouldn't be the issue, I also don't know hot to switch from NAT to bridge or if that entails any potential complications or problems. I won't be the isp limiting traffic as i've tried day and night and always had A quality results from pingtest.net, and speedtest.net. And i believe i did try a no battleye server, and met same result.
  11. If your talking armour. Kevlar vest Bullet Vest Boots Helmets ghillie I debated concept, but the idea is a typical mmo idea where you can equip clothes and equipment into slots...so...head slot..vest slot, hands, shoes, etc Kevlar - protection vs melee, less bleed chance. Bullet vest - reduce damage from bullet body shots. ghillie - camouflage. civilian shoes - default. Sports shoes - quiet, mildly improved movement. Heavy boots - noisier, reduce broken leg chance, slightly slower.(in standalone would have greater durability, as they intend to add wear and tear gear degradation). Riot helmet - reduce knock out chance. Army helmet - reduce knock out chance and small arms fire damage to head. (if they had a character weight concept like ACE would weigh player down exhausting him faster, possibly stand alone feature). Head lamp - head mounted torch. This kind of concept would work in dayz...I'm sure it'll be somewhere in standalones plans but is a ton of work, that won't be considered till after that's released..
  12. If your talking feed back such as stumbling to a hit or reacting to a gun wound, likely beyond arma 2's capability and would push up the struggle for performance but potential for standalone, perhaps disabling individual limbs if shot or possibly shot off entirely if your guns big enough.
  13. Still unrealistic to include in DayZ, they aren't exactly common place items, perhaps if it was set in america where all the loony gun shops that would sell these kind of things reside, but in other countries I bet these would be illegal or require a strict run permit to own making it a super rare item....and for zombie killing no better then an AXE which IS common place...and already a 1 hit KO weapon on zombies.
  14. If you've ever watched myth-busters they have looked at this 'concept' of shotguns blasting you meters back...fact is..the bullet would sooner go through you then push you backward, they shot a pig and it barely nudged an inch backward never mind meters. It's still an unrealistic concept..still =p
  15. I really do hate to self bump my own thread, specially since last 5 or so posts are all mine but... I'm still getting this kicked message. If you think it's my connection tell me what to try cause thus far I've opened a DMZ, opened all the needed ports but still get the 'signature check timed out' error that is keeping me off 99% of all servers I've tried. As I've stated just above I did manage to connect to a single server and have played it since but It's buggy at best and not namalsk which is what I'm dying to play.