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Everything posted by sconrad

  1. I was walking up on milky mountain to see if the ATV was spawned, and i got killed, (As50, NVG's x2, Rangefinders, Coyote backpack, m4 cco sd) and my buddy was watching my body while i walked back, i got there and picked up all my stuff and i saw the guy who killed me, i then killed him and it gave me the bandit skin, which then made my coyote backpack dissapear, aswell as my m4a1 cco sd with 6 mags and food and medical supplies, FIX THIS PLEASE >.>....
  2. sconrad

    Dissapearing backpacks.

    I was just pointing out that i would like it fixed, i dont expect the game makers to go looking for threads of pleading players, i was just saying that i want it fixed, not expecting them to read it.
  3. I don't have any of these to give away, sadly, would you be interested in Night Vision Goggles?
  4. Hey, i need a Ghillie suit and wanted to know if anyone wanted to trade their Ghillie for my NVGs, hit me up! :D
  5. I would love your as50, i have a DMR (3 mags) if you want it! :D
  6. I need an as50 and would love a ghillie suit (ghillie suit not main priority, just want it badly ;D) and i have some stuff up for trade, i am willing to trade - DMR 3-4 clips Night Vision Goggles GPS M4a1 cco sd 12-14 mags (might not trade, need a silenced weapon for zombie clearing?)
  7. Yesterday, a hacker teleported me and a buddy of mine outside Pobeda dam, we Alt-F4'ed immediately and the server restarted, we were the first in and waited for people to spawn, sure enough, they did, 3 murders 2 bandit kills 2/5 of the people had AS50 TWS with 6 nato rounds, aswell as NVG's, Randefinders, gps Coyote backpack, everything,
  8. sconrad

    Where do most dupers hide their tents?

    There tend to be alot of tents set up across Pobeda Dam, up to the northeast.
  9. No, i just started today ( ._.) Q.Q