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About Varanon

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Varanon

    Why I've Stopped Playing DayZ

    Interesting to see how the "inhospitable forum" and "anyone who even tries to express a differing opinion on the game's current direction is grounded into the dirt" parts are immediately confirmed by the answeres by being inhospitable and pounding the OP into the dirt. You just made part of the OP's points.
  2. My opinion: As long as the cheating and hacking isn't stopped, it doesn't matter at all what you put in, it will not be enjoyable. Freind of mine got killed by an A-10 (right, it's NOT available in DayZ), three times now we ran into god-cheat hackers that didn't even drop after emptying a full AKM magazine into them. You can add whatever you want to the mod, as long as it is so easy to cheat, it will go down the drain. So before adding more features, please consider stopping the gaping security holes. Please see this as a constructive criticism from a frustrated player. Also, I find it strange that I see so many servers locked from time to time. I'm not talking about automatic locking to prevent connect spam. I talk about servers that have been locked for hours with only 5 to 10 people in, when the admins declare that they are doing "maintenance"... right, "maintenance" for hours with 10 buddies in...
  3. Varanon

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Spawned in the middle of the ocean Name: Varanon Player ID: 381634
  4. Varanon

    respawn in water ....

    Find one? or respawn Which is kind of problematic if you are logging in in water. This character is 10 days old now. I logging somewhere in the wilderness without any weapon, took hours to get back, just to be thrown in the ocean miles away from land. Don't suggest to just respawn, I don't want to waste a character that has survived for so long.