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About Fistofbrick

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    Somewhere you aren't
  1. Fistofbrick

    suspected mod conflict

    yeah, i've tried that but for some reason it doesn't work. I'm thinking that a clean reinstall might be my only option :/ EDIT: turns out i hadn't removed the files i thought i had :facepalm: . problem solved, lock this thread please.
  2. Fistofbrick

    suspected mod conflict

    hi. recently i have been playing the Undead mod, just to give it a go. i made sure to reset the mod code launch settings before getting back into dayz, but when i try to connect to a server i get this error: "C:\ program files\steam\steamapps\arma2\addons\chn_undead.pbo and C:\ program files\steam\steamapps\arma2\addons\chn_undead_misc.pbo are not signed by a key on this server. remove these files, or download permission key." (might be slightly inaccurate, had to copy it down on paper as i'm stupid with screenshots) i've removed the mod folder, but for some reason the error is still persisting. if anyone has an idea of what's going on, i would appreciate their advice :)
  3. Fistofbrick

    AU 500 Private Hive

    alright, another local private hive! low ping! woo! :D
  4. Fistofbrick

    Funny ways you've died.

    had a backpack full of meds, ended up taking a stupid dive forward to prone off a fire station tower while hunting for a guy with injuries who asked for my help in sidechat
  5. Fistofbrick

    DayZ Mobile app for Android (v. 1.50)

    hey, this app has a thread! :D when my phone isn't randomly shutting down, this is a godsend to have
  6. Fistofbrick

    Your Final Words Before Death

    usually for me it's HOW THE FUCK or HOW DID I GET SPOTTED
  7. Fistofbrick

    Things you've never found

    rather than post an extensive list of what i have not found that was not located on bodies after a battle i logged in at conveniently, i will just say this. ANY. GODDAMN. SNIPER RIFLE. >:C
  8. Fistofbrick

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    i was going for no, but hey, what's to say i won't luck out and find a skirmish aftermath with NVGs and GPS again after a wipe? :D
  9. Fistofbrick

    Day Z Urban Legends

    haha, i must be pretty damn lucky too! AU 19 had a guy giving out free chopper rides for awhile :D
  10. never even found any snipers at all ._.
  11. Fistofbrick

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    1 and 2 all the way. if these actually happen, i will throw what little money i have at the creator.
  12. i prefer night servers, honestly. maybe it's the masochistic part of my psyche, or that i'm able to actually avoid zeds, instead of them spotting me from miles away in broad daylight. day servers are good and all, but nothing beats a night server when you first spawn, to nab some decent gear imo
  13. Fistofbrick

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Sod's law dictates that as soon as you get survival gear (Canteen, hatchet, box of matches, and a hunting knife), you will lose said gear quite quickly to zeds or another player.
  14. Fistofbrick

    Your Funniest DayZ Moments?

    Was in a fire station, climbing down the stairs innocently. next thing i know, i've broken a leg, gone unconscious, and fallen through the side of the tower to faceplant into the ground. luckily i was able to stay alive, and had to crawl three blocks to the hospital for morphine. that was the first time i broke a leg, and i hope it will be the last.
  15. Fistofbrick

    DayZ Stories

    Just recently i logged in inside the tower of the cherno fire station. upon finding i was locked in by someone's sandbags, i went back upstairs. i don't like to use glitches, but i had to use the ladder that shows up to get out. Once there, i spent a good ten minutes looking for the ladder to the ground, an ended up hopping down onto a little shed, and from there to the ground, luckily without taking any damage. I aggroed a zed, ran inside the main area of the fire station, noticing two empty tents. in a blind panic, i wasted all of my AKM's ammunition on the zombies that answered the birdcall of my gun, and ended up with a bodycount of 20 or so. halfway through, i had to swap to a makarov i had found on the ground. thankfully, by this time, another survivor had appeared. as i was running away from the station, i saw him get cornered and eaten. i decided to head to the supermarket and then bug out of Cherno. when i arrived there, i entered trhough the rear. within a few seconds, i heard a vehicle pull up outside and multiple gunshots, followed by two death messages. in a blind panic, i grabbed a revolver and ALICE pack, then ran for it. luckily, noone noticed me, or gave chase as i was crawling away through the fields. The End.