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Bullet Sponge

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Posts posted by Bullet Sponge

  1. I am mostly fucking with you, check your thread title.

    *Sigh* I accept your ridicule. Title changed

    And to HerrJon. I don't run down the middle of roads like a noob (even though I am one). I've learned to stick to forests but the problem arises from gathering some loot from a town and making a run back to the trees is where I seem to get shot at the most. I've died more times to gunfire outside the big cities in the small villages than to zombie attacks.

  2. Seems like every server I have logged into everybody shoots new players. Is the player base really that bad that they feel the need to shoot people who obviously pose no threat whatsoever? The fact that someone feels the need to kill other people just to make them suffer makes me want to punch them in the mouth. There's nothing more frustrating than having to respawn and spend the next 30 minutes running around just to find an axe and then getting shot from some A-hole.

    I understand that's part of the game and I accept it but come on, if you see a lone guy who obviously looks new (and I know you can tell) resist the urge to blow him away from half a mile away with a scoped rifle wearing a gillie suit with a 20 slot backpack. Chances are they have nothing of value for you anyways.

    End rant.

    Frustration vented.

    That is all,

    Thank you
