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About Kickinstuff13

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    On the Coast
  1. This prop cannot be looted. In one of the most emotional games I've played since Ocarina or Ico, I cannot describe the utter dismay felt when my cursor did not change when looking at this gun rack. Please remove this piece of false hope so that other survivors may be spared the emotional roller-coaster I just experienced.
  2. Kickinstuff13

    Eyefinity anyone?

    As far as performance goes, try lowering your filter qualities first. Next, try lowering your 3D resolution. Texture quality and Model (Mesh) quality shouldn't be that big of a deal, more of a video mem issue (but your 6970 should have 1-2GB, which is decent). Streching on the outer monitors - this is a result of the renderer only using 1 camera (honestly, I don't know of any eyefinity games that address this stretching issue). Essentially, the FOV (Field of View) on the camera, when playing a game on one screen is somewhere in the ballpark of 55 - 65 degrees. This creates a nice picture, minimal stretching, and objects in the distance are the "correct" scale. When playing on 3 monitors, the game compensates with a much much wider FOV so that the center screen still appears to have that nice 55-65 degree FOV look. The end result produces a stretched look on the outer monitors. No real fix for this.