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About kammykazee

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. OMG u guys died... lucky I was AFK and wasnt there :P we add by skype not by steam, btw.
  2. 33 years old dude with a picture of the kid who made the quote "I Like Turtles". I guess u only want to play with Turtles then.
  3. kammykazee

    Looking for people to play with,

    I add u on skype, Im kinda new too and I really want to have someone to play with.
  4. kammykazee

    How do i find Team Mates? Help?

    I also play alone and got nothing atm because I keep getting shot by snipers. Anyway, Im a Newbie but Im willing to play with you if u want to. my Skypename: kammy.yuu just add me if your okay with a noob :)