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Everything posted by Bower

  1. Bower

    Little question about the weapons

    WTF is that in your avatar? It looks like some sea monster that somehow made it onto land.
  2. Bower

    I...I Don't Understand.

    Just kill the fags who camp Elektro hill. Easiest loot ever.
  3. Bower

    How can I fight back ?

    I like the cut of the OP's jib. The hill overlooking Elektro is great for taking out sniper noobs. When I die I actually use this location to re-equip my character because it's so often visited by players with military gear who fancy shooting at some fresh spawns. You get bonus points for abusing them over voice comms before killing them.
  4. Right now the site I usually use to download the Arma 2 beta patch (www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php) is down. Does anyone know some URLs for beta patch mirrors?
  5. You can use http://arma2.swec.se/server/list to find server IPs then use the method in the OP to connect.
  6. Bower

    Convert or DIE

    The amount of friendly players (i.e. those that don't immediately shoot on sight) is drastically decreasing. I've played since April and there's been a definite shift in how players interact. It used to be a case of "don't do any stupid shit then we're good" but now... The gameplay has suffered because of it. I appreciate that no PvP would be fucking boring but full-on PvP is getting pretty tedious. It's starting to feel like team deathmatch with zombies.
  7. Bower

    Day Z Urban Legends

    This thread is great. Bump!
  8. Bower

    Loving the new forum!

    Actual threads look good but I don't like the forum sections. Thread titles and images are too large. It was nice and concise before. Editing is bugged too. Once "save changes" is clicked, the changes are saved but there's no feedback to the user.
  9. Bower

    New patch

    I recently logged in first time since installing the patch and my ghillie suit was gone. I didn't die and my inventory was fine besides that so not sure about that. I believe ghillies were bugging out quite badly so they have been removed for the time being. Not sure what is going to happen to previous owners like myself.
  10. I've had an M4A1 duplicate within my backpack but it ate up all of my STANAG plus some other stuff.
  11. I agree but it should be determined on a case-by-case basic. Major changes to "end-game" content? No wipe. Stuff like "no starting gun" should result in a wipe to better gauge its impact on the game. General changes? I believe that would warrant a wipe too. We are testers after all.
  12. Bower

    Jesus. I'm so sorry, Andy.

    17 zombies killed..probably a DC fag too.
  13. Bower

    Gold Stars

    Just related to post count.
  14. Bower

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    This is becoming REALLY rampant after being constantly discussed on the forum. Funnily enough I don't experience this when PvPing but when I'm scoping out a town. I will witness a player run into the town with a train behind him, run into a building, disconnect then shortly reconnect. I go out of my way to headshot these people.
  15. I have a ghillie suit, a DMR and I snipe people quite regularly. Although I don't think snipers should be removed entirely (it does add to the tension of going out in the open) they should be A LOT more rare and maybe just have the DMR and CMZ. Ammo should be incredibly scarce. I'd even be happy to see scoped rifles removed from the game to see how it goes. Close firefights that might result in some interesting VOIP confrontations would be a lot better than sniping some poor sod from a distance for his medical supplies. I do it at the moment because it's effective and well, because I can, the game allows it.
  16. If nothing changed on your end (i.e. it started happening randomly one day), you've tried multiple servers and given it a few days I recommend you contact support. Perhaps some character data has been corrupt within the database which is preventing the load. I imagine the team would be interested to look into this from a development standpoint.
  17. Bower

    Hiding as a Zombie...

    A walk animation would be very good for getting in and out of a town unnoticed. Non-zombie animations stick out like a sore thumb (ever seen a zombie bug out then do human animations?) so would help to blend in to some extent. It should be really slow.
  18. Glorious! Thanks for letting me know. Gonna have to search for vehicles with my mate now :D
  19. Unfortunately a lot of people hide stuff off the map because they're scared to play the game properly. Those of us with balls larger than acorns just find a nice forest area away from high-traffic areas.
  20. Thanks Validuz. The DayZ community seems to be changing the definition of ghosting and I'm not sure why. The "ghosting" aspects from the fact that a dead player is usually the one relaying the tactical information to a live player hence "ghost".
  21. The spawning of zombies needs a lot of work. Primarily the issue of being able to spot zombies off in the distance and from that determine that a survivor is in that area.
  22. Yeah like I said I probably would shit my pants then run if it actually happened to me :D