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blitz (DayZ)

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About blitz (DayZ)

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  1. What is your age? 20 How long have you been playing DayZ? Since March Where do you live? Maine, USA What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Medic/Support. I am also a great engineer for vehicles What can you bring to SSrT that you promise no other recruit can? The fact that I come in with 5 months of experience, a keen knowledge of the land, an ability to work well with others, a sharp eye, and most importantly I know when something is too risky. Scenarios Questions: Answer with complete honesty and not just one sentence. We are watching B) 1) You're in base along with another member, and a group of three approach camp without showing signs. How do you react? Without showing a sign I assume that you mean they didn't greet you. Assuming that they didn't see me or my friend I would run for the nearest cover with my weapon. I would have my friend do the same and flank around to get behind them. Usually experienced groups have a sniper who is on the look out and would have the other member take him out first then I would open fire on the members who are looking inside the tents. I would take them out quickly before they have time to alt f4. I would then proceed to put an extra bullet in each of their head and regroup with the member to look out for any other possible person. Then I would contact the leader asap and have our camped move to a safer location. 1 2) You're the Squad leader of the Assault team Alpha and your running across a field to gather Intel on a enemy position and your team is fired upon and two men go down. Whats your first order of action as squad leader? First off if you are running across the field there is something wrong with that. You always have someone stay behind and along the edge who is sniper as a look out. But in spirit of the scenario i will continue. I would proceed to give direction for my men to run at a right angle to the people shotting so we can get to the nearest cover and open fire upon them. I would have my remaining men split into 2 groups one to engage the group head on the other to flank around and take that group out. The most important thing is to ensure that my men are safe, but also to recover the bodies of the fallen comrades if they had any good gear and I assume that they would. If they had nothing good I would just retreate and count our loses and attempt a safer approach to take out the enemy in order to get their gear. 3) During a OP in cherno you and your team come across a survivor with broken legs asking for help. How do you respond? I would kill him without a doubt, but with an ax for silence or if one of my group had a silenced weapon and kill him. The reason is he might kill one of us just for fun or try to get us all and alert others of our position.
  2. blitz (DayZ)

    Selling DMR (possibly with 3x mags) for nightvision goggles

    2 DMR mags for a nightvision? Who the hell would do that? DMR mags are easy as hell to get compared to nightvision
  3. blitz (DayZ)

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    1. Age 20 years old 2.Name<what you want to be called> Blitz 3.Nationality USA 4. Experience <how long on the game?> Since March ​5. What role are you applying for: I am best at Medic, Engineer, Gather, and Support. I am also great at stealth NOTE: I am not some little new player who has come in with no gear. I currently have a bizon SD with a FN FAIL with nightvision. I have 2 ghillie suits and got them by myself. I am looking for a good group that wants do raids together and is a organized clan. I have been part of the Misfits and they were fine, but moved servers too often!
  4. Bro idk what you are doing, but you are doing if 100% wrong. Barns are meh for guns, only use them if you are too scared to go into the city. CITIES are the way to go if you are starting off and want some shit fast. Find a map online to show you where all deer stands are and go look in those, they tend to have good loot
  5. blitz (DayZ)

    Tents still duping/losing items

    Bump because when i put my nightvision in my tent I lost it along with a MK and a M107!
  6. blitz (DayZ)

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I have a question for your group. I am have been a trader for various clans such as misfits and was very successful and all that. I am wondering how you work camp wise. Do you have a main base for all the traders? Or is it that people are allowed to go to trading base at Devils castle if they get the tag. I am a bit confused on how your system works. I am going to take a stab that you have a series of bases with around 20 people in each campsite or is it one hugeeeee base?
  7. blitz (DayZ)


    Oh this sounds like a great idea! Oh but one thing mates, lets say a clan of bandits hear about this and all 10 log on to this server at once. They then proceed to slaughter the guards and a shitstrom breaks out. Then how would you take back control? Even worse how would they pay? With what?
  8. blitz (DayZ)

    Why are people such assholes?

    In dayz you can only trust yourself or people you join up with through a clan. Idiots like a lot of survivors never learn and thus always stay on the bottom and always are called noob. If you want to be a medic or something join up with a group and be their medic.
  9. blitz (DayZ)

    Bandit Trainer?

    Some quick tips that are useful: 1. Go on low population servers if you can and go south. In the south there are two large cities that have some good loot for you and you tend to want to be on low population servers because most of the players tend to be in the north for some reason because they are usually in a large group or something. On high population servers the noobs tend to all be there and all are in the south and end up having a cluster fuck. 2. Don't use flares at night, just turn your brightness up a lot. That way you won't give away your location so easily. 3. Don't run through towns always scout out first to make sure no one is there.
  10. Sup guys, my steam name is redheadfreak929 and I hope to join up with you guys! I will tlak to you on TS later!