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Everything posted by trogdor1984

  1. trogdor1984

    Stuck on final "Loading" screen

    Flip me, how did it get to 5am?! Ok, so this actually worked for me - though I guess I cant be certain till ive had a few more games over the weekend - but over the last few hours ive been playing on multiple servers without issue! If none of the above things work for you, try using the DayZ updater here instead of SixLauncher - http://worrom.com/ (its an official alternative downloader linked on the dayz website) After it rechecked all my files I tried running DayZ straight from that updater but it didnt work. I then went and loaded it as usual in Steam by launching Combined Ops and its worked fine ever since. Practically straight through the Loading screens. Hope this works for more than just me ^^
  2. trogdor1984

    Stuck on final "Loading" screen

    Afraid this method hasn't worked for me :( Same situation as the rest - i've revalidated data, uninstalled/reinstalled Arma 2 and Op Arrowhead, manually updated battleye, reinstalled the beta patch and ensured sixupdater is up to date. That final loading screen has totally ruined the game for me, only seems to have become an issue in the last week or two, possibly just since came out. I can get into 1 of about 10 servers and the ones i've become familiar with and set tents on, I can no longer get through the loading screen no matter how many times I've tried :( Hopefully there'll be a fix for this in the next update, because its made the game unplayable for me - cant ever get into a server with my friends anymore. I tried the method above by loading the Chernarus map in Arma 2 map editor - tried both minimising ingame and loading up Combined Ops/DayZ - and exiting first then loading dayZ. Sadly neither works for me, however keep suggestions coming all. Glad to know i'm not the only one in this boat! ^^