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About boxman61

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Unfortunately the servers population never grew and it was no longer worth the investment. Thank you to everyone that did join the community! Server Cancelled
  2. So far we have 60 white listed individuals and a regular player count of at least 10. This community is still growing and we are looking for all types of RP players to help expand and contrast the QuarantineRP environment. White list today!
  3. So I recently started a private server with Vilayer.com and i'm not sure if anyone else experienced this problem but after last nights maintenance all the characters were wiped but the persistent items remained. After warning everyone to keep their most valuable items on their person and this happening I have a lot of pissed off players to deal with. I contacted Vilayer about it and this was there response which seems contrary as all other privater servers were left alone. "This is due to today's update affecting Private Shard servers which required Bohemia to wipe them. Normally weekly updates would only affect persistence data, this one was a one off. Apologies for this. "This is due to today's update affecting Private Shard servers which required Bohemia to wipe them. Normally weekly updates would only affect persistence data, this one was a one off. Apologies for this." -Vilayer
  4. Thank you VanValdenburg I will be sure to contact you if anything comes up. As for QuarantineRP we are running strong and hoping to see more and more mature role players joining in on the fun.
  5. Quarantine RP is a new Private DayZ SA Whitelisted server that is focused on Maturity, Community, and Survival. The server recently launched and already has a player base of over 20 active players online at different times. We have multiple administrators that are dedicated to creating a smoothly running server and atmosphere. We are looking to bring in even more players that are tired of the gear hunt or FPS play style and want to experience everything DayZ has to offer. We highly encourage players to bring with them all their role playing skills and expand the servers lore with individual and group story lines. Make friends, forge alliances, and survive if you can. Server Information- Website: QuarantineRP.com Connection Info: Provider: Vilayer.com TS: ts43.gameservers.com:9285 TS Pass: aircav Restarts: 4 Hours Backups: Daily Persistence: On Population: 40 Server Rules Community Rules: Be mature What this means is you are expected to act your age while using our forums, TeamSpeak, and server. Treat others as you would like to be treated, say please/thank you, etc. Do not abuse the reporting mechanics If you are believed to be manipulating our reporting system, giving false complaints, or accusing others of breaking the rules, you will be removed from our servers. In Game Rules: No KOS Do not kill other players on sight. You are only allowed to kill another player if you have interacted with them verbally, and have good reason to. Robbing someone for their gear is fine, killing someone for their gear is not. Stay in character All VOIP comms will be considered in-character. Keep out-of-character (OOC) chat in text to a minimum, as RP should always take priority over any OOC things that may be going on. When talking in OOC, use "((OOC))" or "//OOC" in text-chat. Pulse checks are only allowed if the player is unconscious, dead, or restrained Checking pulse while they are in control of their character is not allowed, as this is meta-gaming. You do not magically know other player's names. New Life Rule will be followed at all times. You are not allowed to return to the area you were killed in for one (1) hour. Server restarts do not reset this time limit. What this means is that you cannot run back and loot your body, or feed your friends information about the details of your death post-mortem. You do remember your faction, base location, stash locations, friends and foes. You lose all revenge rights upon death. No hacking, glitching, duplicating, loot farming, abuse of game mechanics This one is obvious. If it feels wrong, don't do it or ask an administrator for help. You are here to roleplay, not gear yourself out. If the developers didn't intend on it, don't do it. No combat logging. Roleplay events must be played out in full until both parties wish to end the encounter. Do not log off during or immediately after an RP interaction, or any sort of firefight. Allow 15 minutes to pass to ensure the interaction is completed. No power gaming This means do not force any RP on a character that is not willing to participate. You can, of course, rob and chat with whoever you want. However, you cannot force another character to do as you wish, or impose permanent effects on them that they do not want (such as a facial scar, or similar). No excessive racism or other forms of discrimination If you'd like to roleplay as a racist, so be it. You will keep this minimal, and once you are told OOC that you have crossed the line, you will cease all interaction along this line without question. We're here to roleplay, not harbor hate speech. Out of character, racism or other discrimination will not be tolerated at all. After a robbery, or other hostile interaction, you retain revenge rights for four (4) hours afterwards. Server restarts do not affect this timer. This means that you can fire upon bandits that robbed you (if you can be 100% sure it is the culprits) on sight up to four hours after the incident. However, after those four hours, all interactions must be roleplayed properly as they would in any other scenario. Players: All players spawn with a "Radio" to allow TeamSpeak communications This doesn't mean the in-game radio. We allow our users to use TeamSpeak to communicate, simulating owning and using a radio to speak with your buddies. If you are being robbed, and are told to drop your radio, you lose the ability to communicate on TeamSpeak until you are given your radio back, or 15 minutes after the interaction is over if you survive. All players spawn with a form of ID shown by "/ Show ID" This ID cannot be taken away from you. The only way someone can forcefully view your identity is while you are either handcuffed, unconcious, or dead (by checking your pulse). Otherwise, your name is private until you reveal that information in-character. Player Names can only be changed with admin approval The name that you register needs to be your character. Names can be changed by submitting a request to administration and pending their approval.
  6. boxman61


    I've read a lot of post that preferr facial changes or arm bands and my question is how long are you actually looking at a potential hostile that you have time to go over facial identity or search for a bit of cloth? I've been in a lot of fire fights (with great squad comms luckily) and never had the oppurtunity to get so up close and personal that I could see the shape of their nose, color of eyes, or width of their jaw. When operating as a squad you learn to move with each other, you familuraise yourself with those around you, and memorize small details without even realizing you did this. It's easy to see a friend from 100yrds off because of these memories and that is realistic. DayZ will never match that area of realism so there needs to be a method of in game identification. This could be easily done by checking someone's pulse which familiarizes you with them and being able to mark them friendly. I'm personally in favor of name tags in game to help with all the unavoidable banditry. If I know your a bandit then I shouldn't have to wonder who this person I'm talking to is or get so close you could bite me but giving the option to mark individuals is a fare trade in my opinion.
  7. boxman61

    dead body timer

    From my understanding there is now a 10 minute timer for dead bodies. My complaint to this is it seems to take around 20 minutes to get back into the server correctly to even attempt to recover your gear
  8. boxman61

    CQF Relief Operations

    Operation Complete
  9. boxman61

    CQF Relief Operations

    CQF is currently hold relief operations in the town of Solnichniy. If anyone is in need of aid feel free to stop by our relief area and get supplies Server Info (updated as we move)
  10. CQF is currently hold relief operations in the town of Solnichniy. If anyone is in need of aid feel free to stop by our relief area and get supplies Server Info (updated as we move)
  11. Sent in my application earlier today and now sitting in TS... I'm about to track down the active CQF members that are online
  12. After a couple weeks in DayZ i have grown tired of the solo grind battling back and forth on the map. I would like to join an established clan/ group of survivors (slight bandit tendencies is fine, we're only human). I am currently geared for combat medic and have been helping other survivors for a couple weeks. I am also an experienced DayZ scavenger and sniper (other games). If any clans/groups are interested or want to know more info feel free to PM me I also have Steam. Vent, and Teamspeak
  13. boxman61

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I will be in the SW area for a couple hours today. I am not on the "White List" but then how can i be if no one trust me first... Contact me if your in need of assistance. Steam ID: boxman61
  14. boxman61

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medic on duty in Cherno area...steam ID: boxman61
  15. Im going to play this server off and on, so if anyone needs medical services let me know... Steam ID: boxman61